Danno's Nanos And Pico Journal

Oh I know, people will holler and moan about a fish in three gallons but oh well, I think I can give it a good life in there. Heck I could do 50% water changes twice a week and it wouldn't be a big deal eather! At college I will have my own freezer so I will be able to keep frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, mysis, bloods, plankton, and various others so it can have a good diet.

I have a hammer in hand debating on to smash it or not :shifty: :edit:..not the tank!!! the rock!!
They aren't that hard to keep levels stable. I had no problems in my fw and have had none so far in my sw just keep steady in the water changes. It will be fine in there, they hardly swim at all, just hop from rock to rock.

You might not want to create another hole in your other pocket, soon it will go to your shirt pockets, I hope you wear dress shirts
very beautiful tank you guys got there i would love to make one of those
Well....one fish store trip later...


Large green zoo colony

clear-green ricordea mushroom attaching to rubble

tank improvement

Hopefully my tank is looking more like a reef now.
Tank completely devoted to softies. 8) (because they are just TOO cool) :p


LFS didn't have any yellow clown gobies. 31 days from now should be the coral cristening day, but intill then i'll have fun with rocks and snails. :lol:

Azoo Palm filter added

added 1/2 pound of LR to the filter, water movement is much better

i'll aquascape later
Uhm, yeah. Minimum of one month, that is pushing it for my liking.
I'm taking it slow. I'm in no rush :)
Ehh it is a disease!!!!! Get it off get it off...

Another new project on my mind finally happened. I am going to move everything in my 20 gallonH into a 10 gallon and I am going to turn the 20 gallonH into a pearly jawfish tank. Just for him.


Finally got my RO unit....That and I think I got all that I need for the transfer and modification to the new tank to turn it salty. Once everything comes there will be another update.

Now I gotta start saving money for college :sad:
Is all that LR going to fit in your 10? that sounds cool, when is this project going to start?

question, do you have a lid on your container with your frag, if so what type, like are their holes?

You know their are small powerheads, rio makes a nice one that's only around 46gph and you can turn it down if you need a powerhead for behind your lr in your pico. :good:
Uhm, maybe I didn't explain everything clearly....
My 20 gallon LONG (my main nano) is staying the way it is. My 20 gallon HIGH is my planted tank that is going to go into a 10 gallon. The 20 gallon HIGH is going to be the pearly jawfish tank.

I wouldn't move my main nano into a 10 gallon. :crazy:
ohhhhh...hehe make sure you give the jawfish atleast 4 inch sandbed
Yep, made sure of that. I bought 60 pounds of sand for him. That should leave a 5 1/2 inch sand bed.

I recieved my package.....interesting stuff. RO works great. TDS meter reads 5ppm.

20 Gallon Reef:

Everything is coasting onwards. I changed the subsrait, that was a job holy cow...
Little Jaque died for an unknown reason. Big Jaque is doing alright though. I tested my water for copper and nitrates. No copper and 5ppm of nitrates.
No new corals.

3 Gallon Pico:

Still in it's "getting balanced for coral" time.

20 Gallon Jawfish tank:

Got it setup. Bought 10 pounds of Florida live rock. Ended up ordering 20 more pounds online. The rock came today in the mail. 20 pounds of Caribbean live rock. It has to be the coolest looking rock that I have seen so far, even when it is uncured. Got the rock from eTropicals.

It is uncured at the moment.

NOTE TO EVERYONE! If you plan on ordering rock online. DO NOT open the box in your room. It made me gag when I opened the plastic bag inside....


Scrubbing Process

Yummy!!! :sick:

Rocks after scrubbing

Rock shots


I added the rock to the tank but i'll take shots of it when the tank settles.

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