Crowntail Mustard Gas Spawn

GuppyDude said:
i hate frozen bbs, it really messes up my guppy fry tank, cant u juts raise the lil guys on mw's alone?
If you are cleaning the tank 1 or 2x daily, it shouldn't matter. Or you could feed less.

Well today is there B-Day

There gonna celebrate with a meal of BBS and MWs and a Water Change
I just bought them some frozen BBS

Gonna see if they like it..... :D

When do I have to see pectoral fins?

Also when do they develop there Swim bladder and labrynght organ?
Wisperian said:
Um... i dont think swim bladder is an organ.....

I said Labrynght Organ

Not the Swim Bladder

Not many pics GP

I dont got a good camera like rain-... :sad:

So my fry pics really SUCK! :-(
Bleh, they don't suck. You know, if you see the baby, it's a good picture =) We want pictures! If you want to learn to take full use of your cameras capabilities, go to sit in front of your tank with your camera (and full batteries), use a tripod, chair, box or something to balance the camera and fire away as long as you have batteries left. Try different settings, don't point the camera straight at the glass, turn it in a small angle so the flash wont spoil the picture. Turn off other lights from the room, wipe the glass clean and start taking pictures =)

Well nothing new execpt they still look small

there going for 3 weeks! :hyper:
I'm glad they're doing well. Mine just kept looking tiny, too - about a week ago, they started a growth spurt, so hang in there. If they're eating well and you're keeping the water clean, they'll be growing up in no time! :nod:
Thanks Cation

When did they hit that grow spurt?

Mine are about to be 3 weeks old this monday

They still look small..... -_-

But there cute

CC said that I should see some dorasal fins

The money should get to wuv by tommorow... :)
Mine hit it at about 4 weeks. But since it's my first spawn, I don't know if that's the "normal" time or not. :dunno:
So at 4 weekd huh

I guess time will tell

Just did another water change..... :kana:

There starting to grow

Almost this big __
There 3 WEEKS OLD!

Well they were yesterday

Im starting to think there gonna stay rinty

Which I hope not.... :unsure:

Wish me luck

Happy B-Day..... :*)
I do wish you the best of luck. Joker, some of them WILL grow - if you are keeping the water clean and they are eating well (which I know you are and I sure hope they are! :D ), you just have to play the waiting game. Mine had a spurt, but they still have a way to go.

One thing I'm discovering is just what a waiting game betta breeding can be - you condition and wait, mate and wait, free swim and wait, eat and wait, poop and wait, breath and wait, grow and wait, color and wait, sex identification and seeing a pattern here? I know I am... :rolleyes:

:lol: Oh well, I can use a bit more patience anyway....
JoKeR said:
There 3 WEEKS OLD!

Well they were yesterday

Im starting to think there gonna stay rinty

Which I hope not.... :unsure:

Wish me luck

Happy B-Day..... :*)
Happy Birthday little fry :mama: :mama: :mama:

I'm sure they're growing just fine. They really are teeny tiny at 3 weeks old. They should double up in size over the next two weeks. Just remember how hungry they are though. Try to keep live food in the tanks at all times. Eat,sleep,poop and grow. That's all they do right now. In two weeks or so (quite possibly less) they're going to realize that the guy who has been feeding them all this time is pretty ok. And they'll start gathering at the front to get a closer look. I love that.

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