Crowntail Mustard Gas Spawn

A pic of the fry


  • 100_3346.JPG
    24.9 KB · Views: 37
This one is full of BBS


  • 100_3353.JPG
    18.5 KB · Views: 39
Ok those pics really REALLY suck!

But know u can see them.... :D

Do u think they would come-out better if I took them with-out flash? -_-
don't use flash, but you need more lighting... flash ruins a lot of pictures that are taken...
J0hnny said:
don't use flash, but you need more lighting... flash ruins a lot of pictures that are taken...
Thanks for the tip Mup

Well im taking more later...With Out Flash.... :thumbs:
a trick a learned, when you use flash on a picture, tilt the camera slightly downwards so teh flash doesn't relfect off the glass and you dont' get that birght spot.

For fry pictures, it might be better if you stand back a bit and use the macro option, then use flash wtih teh cam slightly tilted downwards. With flash you get clearer pics because withotu flash it's hard to get the cam to be completely still unless ur using a tripod.

I can sorta tell the fry from the 2nd picture :wub: boy are tehy tiny!
cutecotton said:
a trick a learned, when you use flash on a picture, tilt the camera slightly downwards so teh flash doesn't relfect off the glass and you dont' get that birght spot.

For fry pictures, it might be better if you stand back a bit and use the macro option, then use flash wtih teh cam slightly tilted downwards. With flash you get clearer pics because withotu flash it's hard to get the cam to be completely still unless ur using a tripod.

I can sorta tell the fry from the 2nd picture :wub: boy are tehy tiny!
i took all the pictures of my fry with flash btw ;)
I see cutecotton

Im gonna try that..... :thumbs:

Thanks for the Tip! :hyper:
Well starting to see sme dead ones

They just flota Im seeing around 5+ dead right now

What can be killing them?
Shine a flashlight on them Joker, if you see any "gold dust" like stuff on them, then they have velvet and would be the cause of them dieing. It may not be velvet, but it is the single most common disease that Betta fry get, so it's a good thing to check for. If it is velvet...add salt to the water (if you haven't already), up to 1 TBS per gallon, and Aquarisol, add the Aquarisol daily and do the daily water changes...that should take care of it. Velvet is very curable, so if that is what it is, consider it good news. My red spawn that is now grown up, had velvet at about 2 weeks old, before I realized that's what it was I had lost half the spawn (it was a hugh spawn so it worked out ok), but once i started treating it, the deaths stopped. I will now regularly check my fry with a flashlight to see if they are getting it, so I can cure it BEFORE deaths start happening, Lol. I guess as long as I learn from my mistakes, it's a good thing :)

Thanks linda

Im going to check right now

I been doing 50% water chnages every day

Well Today the BBS Hatcherie Failed..... :/

So there gonna get MWs instead but they really dont look like they like it.. :S

Im abou to do a Water change....To vaccum the bottom

There still small....... :fun: WeeBabies! :wub:

_ Size Compresion....... :thumbs:

Does it soun good?
Sounds good :thumbs: I did my first water change on my ct spawn last night. I sucked up 4 babies,I hate wc's at this age,they're nerve wracking :S
wuvmybetta said:
Sounds good :thumbs: I did my first water change on my ct spawn last night. I sucked up 4 babies,I hate wc's at this age,they're nerve wracking :S
Why so early wuv?
That's how I always do it.They needed a clean up since there were still 'tokens' that dad left in there.

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