Crowntail Mustard Gas Spawn

JoKeR said:
Well I cant see any fry? :|

I dont know were they are?
Maybe they're just under the bubblenest? Those little buggers are hard to see... :/
theres not many bubles left

Also today I should see them free swimming but I see nothing...... -_-

Should I still drop some micros?
I can't remember, Joker, do you have live plants in the tank? If so, I'd wait a day or two before dropping in MW, and let them have a go at the infusoria that are in the water already. If not, yes, put a small amount in. If there is anything the fry could be hiding in/near, it can be near impossible to see them right away cause they're so tiny (in my limited experience, at least! :p )
cation said:
I can't remember, Joker, do you have live plants in the tank? If so, I'd wait a day or two before dropping in MW, and let them have a go at the infusoria that are in the water already. If not, yes, put a small amount in. If there is anything the fry could be hiding in/near, it can be near impossible to see them right away cause they're so tiny (in my limited experience, at least! :p )
yes I have 2 Small amazons and 2 bunches of java moss

And a few silk plants

Well i dont see them I must that be that blind...
They are so tiny, really hard to see in the beginning.
If you've had the live plants in there for a while, they should be good on yolk sac and infusoria for a day or two. They only hatched day before yesterday, right?
cation said:
If you've had the live plants in there for a while, they should be good on yolk sac and infusoria for a day or two. They only hatched day before yesterday, right?

They harched on Monday
MW tomorrow, then. That's what I'd do, at least. Anyone else wanna put their $0.02 in?
ya see any fry? You should be able to see at least 1 if there are any left.
Wuv I see fry around 10-15 but I dont see many like in the first day I saw alomst 300.. :eek:
Well,at least you see some :thumbs: That's great! I was assuming you couldn't see any at all -_-

I always assume my spawns are smaller than they are. You'll be surprised at how many come out of the plants in a few days.
Got any advice on feeding, Wuv? I'm hoping the info I gave is right, but I'd rather have it confirmed by someone who's done it more than once.... :shifty:

They were hiding in the java moss!

I shook it and all these little fry came out swimming Horizontal! :hyper:

I see about 100+!

I hope there more There almost a week old also I found the "HOT SPOT" :devil:

I just fed them a little feeding of MWs they went crazy they swim fast! :flex:

Thanks for the support this week went by quick!

Im giving there BBS on friday or staurday...... :clap:
I thought you said they hatched on monday. Wouldn't that make them 3 days old? :/

Either way, I'm thrilled you found them. :nod: :wub:

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