If someone has a cold or the flu they don't mandate that you stay home or wear a mask. They leave that for the person to decide.
They should mandate it and enforce it.
I have been complaining about sick staff at shops for decades and nobody cared. Then they all wonder why the staff are sick, why the customers are sick, and why the cold and flu viruses spread around the world continuously. If people stayed home when sick, they wouldn't spread it and we could get rid of it. Instead they go to work, school and visiting friends while sick and help the virus spread. But people are stupid and simply don't care.
Update from Western Australia.
We have covid19 appearing all over the southern half of the state and people are meant to be staying home if sick and nobody is meant to be out in public without a face mask on. Last night a neighbour came over and knocked on the door asking if I had any Panadol (paracetamol). I don't know if they had a head or fever but I didn't have any so couldn't help. But they weren't wearing a mask.
I have issues with this new place I am living in and air from outside is leaking in through the reverse cycle air-conditioner. The air con unit is off but I can smell cigarette smoke and diesel fumes, as well as other smoke and fumes coming into the unit. I have contacted the real estate agent but they aren't doing anything. I could well catch covid19 from a neighbour who is smoking. The virus can travel on smoke.
I was at the hardware the night before and lots of customers and even one staff member wasn't wearing a mask.
Topping this all off, the state government and Health Department aren't telling us what strain of covid19 we have here. I have been asking if it's Delta or Omicron but nobody wants to say what it is. The rate at which this is spreading here and the government's unwillingness to say what strain it is, leads me to believe it is Omicron.
Why aren't they willing to tell us what strain it is?