Update from Australia.
The omicron strain of covid19 is spreading rapidly in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic), Queensland (Qld), and the ACT (Australian Capital Territory).
Official daily cases in NSW is about 35,000 per day but it is growing rapidly and the government says there will be about 200,000 new cases each day in NSW by the end of the month. However, unofficially, the medical professionals are saying NSW is already around 200,000 cases each day and everyone in the state will have it by the end of the month. Similar statements are coming from the other states.
The Prime Minister (Scott Morrison) does not seem to care about the increase in numbers even though thousands of people are filling up hospitals and the hospitals are starting to have major problems.
Western Australia (WA) still has cases but the government is not saying if it is the omicron or delta strains of covid19. One case was at Carousel shopping centre on new years eve, as well as at a number of other places. Carousel shopping centre is the biggest shopping centre in WA and has lots of customers that don't speak very good English. There is concerns lots of people were infected and some of those people are from non English speaking backgrounds and won't get tested or stay home if sick.
The hospital system in WA has been stuffed for years and ambulances regularly wait several hours to unload patients at hospitals. This is under normal conditions. If omicron takes off here, the hospital system here will crash.
So it appears the Australian government no longer cares and the state and federal governments are actually encouraging the spread of omicron.
This is really stressing me out. My immune system is already down because I don't eat properly and I don't exercise. The heat puts heaps of pressure on my heart and if I catch omicron, my heart and lung problems, combined with the heat means I probably won't survive.