your thoughts here...

Well I coudln't believe my eyes when I read this, it turns out the government plan is to get most people infected

That's just dumb. I would prefer if they stopped the virus from spreading so it doesn't become an annual flu that kills people.

The grocery stores are even out of meat, eggs, and milk now here.
Time to start milking your grand daughter's award winning goat :)
You see you can have the virus yet may think it's a cold

Check the pyramid
yes, that is the problem as people think they "have a cold" then go and visit their elderly mother in a LTC home. That would be devastating. You can also carry this virus for up to 14 days before ANY symptoms appear. Some models even state that you can incubate it for as much as 24 days....
They think people who have a 24 day incubation period might have been affected twice. But regardless, it's still a concern considering you can transmit the virus during this incubation period before you show any symptoms. :(
That's just dumb. I would prefer if they stopped the virus from spreading so it doesn't become an annual flu that kills people.


Time to start milking your grand daughter's award winning goat :)
eww? There will always be food. But I made a comment to a lady who was buying all frozen foods.. tv dinner type things, why are you buying all this stuff? She stated that "if it gets really bad then we'll have a stockpile". I said.. and if it gets really bad, who's going to keep the electric plants going to keep all that food frozen? She actually stood there a minute without saying anything and left the line to put it all back. I suggested canned foods (soups ect) was a better option should if "get that bad". LOL, some people I swear. She likely has a room full of toilet paper as well!!
They think people who have a 24 day incubation period might have been affected twice. But regardless, it's still a concern considering you can transmit the virus during this incubation period before you show any symptoms. :(
If you were to get it twice though, you would have developed some level of immunity to it thanks to your immune system. Still not a good prospect to be a carrier for others.
.. folks, I can sum this up to this. We had an URI (upper respiratory infection) outbreak in my facility last year This was a pneumonia outbreak, and I contracted this. I was out of commission for nearly a month as a result, and at one point felt like I was dying as a result of it. It was horrible, but at least there are treatment options for this (ABX d/t it being bacterial in nature). I can't imagine feeling that same way and knowing there is NO Vaccine or treatment option that is effective other than (in critical case) fluids and respiration therapy. If this DOES get this bad, there will not be close to enough respirators to facilitate even 1/100 of your population and even that is a great stretch. Can you imagine the sheer horror of watching your loved ones succumb to this and not being able to a-single-thing. Nurses, physicians and families with have severe PTSD after this event. It happened with SARS and that was on a much much much smaller scale. I could not fathom the fallout from this politically, economically and for the psyche of the people of our planet.
Time to start milking your grand daughter's award winning goat :)
I spose we should really check to see if it's a girl goat or a boy goat. You can milk both but one goat has a big happy smile at the end of it.

eww? There will always be food. But I made a comment to a lady who was buying all frozen foods.. tv dinner type things, why are you buying all this stuff? She stated that "if it gets really bad then we'll have a stockpile". I said.. and if it gets really bad, who's going to keep the electric plants going to keep all that food frozen? She actually stood there a minute without saying anything and left the line to put it all back. I suggested canned foods (soups ect) was a better option should if "get that bad". LOL, some people I swear. She likely has a room full of toilet paper as well!!
Actually, I was unable to buy frozen veges, cans of baked beans or spaghetti, or virtually any canned fruit today when I went to the local supermarket. There's not even any rice or flour left on the shelves. They didn't even have any bottled water on the shelf. For some reason people are stock piling water even tho we have reasonable quality tap water that can be drunk. They were completely out of stock due to people stock piling.

About the only food available now is chocolate and chips (potatoe chips/ crisps and corn chips, etc). There's a small amount of fresh fruit and veges but only about 1/10th of what is normally available.

It's just getting out of control. I think the only places benefitting from this are toilet paper and tissue manufacturers.
Guys, check out my local Walmart’s shelves! They are very empty:
Rice isle:

Soup isle:

Alcohol/Hydrogen Peroxide:

The milk/cheese/egg isle is thinning very fast. All of the paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper shelves are completely empty.

(due to the fact that they are thinning, I bought 2 Liters of bottled water, 5 gallons of milk, and plenty of TP. It feels like a waste, but it’ll be worth it if they make us stay home! :))
My family is currently self quarantined. My dad I have become very sick. Coughing for weeks now, pneumonia type symptoms, and trouble breathing.... thankfully we have been avoiding social situations and havent likely infected anyone if it is this. People are not taking it seriously. Please self quarantine if you have symptoms. Quarantine isnt fun but I survived 2 1/2 months of quarantine with ten people not allowed to leave my 5 bedroom house two years ago....with 8 of those people ranging from 6-17 years old... it got crazy and miserable but you can survive. Just stay home.
Guys, check out my local Walmart’s shelves! They are very empty:
Rice isle:
View attachment 99221
Soup isle:
View attachment 99222
Alcohol/Hydrogen Peroxide:
View attachment 99223
The milk/cheese/egg isle is thinning very fast. All of the paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper shelves are completely empty.

(due to the fact that they are thinning, I bought 2 Liters of bottled water, 5 gallons of milk, and plenty of TP. It feels like a waste, but it’ll be worth it if they make us stay home! :))

Lots to eat there! MmmM those bandaids look tastey, Especially the used ones you can use them to make tea with! Or you can milk a goat (sex pending).
You could always make stone soup haha

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