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There are several reasons to do this. Phoenix and JuiceBox (trade mark limited) got it.

If you get sick you get taken to the prison hospital, and in severe cases you might get taken to a public or private hospital. This gets you out of the cell and into an area with less security so there is more chance of escaping.

If prisoners are being threatened in their cells or in public areas, going to a hospital gets you away from the threats for a short time and that relieves the stress you are under.

Hospitals are much more comfortable than a prison cell with a bunk mate you don't like. One person per bed if you get what I mean.

Hospitals have television and real food, instead of no TV and powdered egg and canned meat.

Then there are lifers, prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment. They have no chance of release and will die in a cell. Many give up hope and try suicide, this is just another way out. Catch a virus and maybe you get lucky and die in hospital instead of a cell at the age of 90. Alternatively, escape from hospital and continue doing bad things.

At the very least, the chance of getting or spreading covid19 provides a break from day to day activities in a prison. At worse, the prisoners contaminate all the guards and the prisoners escape from hospital and go on a crime spree.
I saw this. It was happening in iran too. When they got sick they were released because they didnt want to spread it to the other inmates. Maybe the California criminals are trying to do the Same thing. Or maybe they get better living situations when they are sick

Well, an Iranian prison is somewhat different to one in the States..
There are several reasons to do this. Phoenix and JuiceBox (trade mark limited) got it.

If you get sick you get taken to the prison hospital, and in severe cases you might get taken to a public or private hospital. This gets you out of the cell and into an area with less security so there is more chance of escaping.

If prisoners are being threatened in their cells or in public areas, going to a hospital gets you away from the threats for a short time and that relieves the stress you are under.

Hospitals are much more comfortable than a prison cell with a bunk mate you don't like. One person per bed if you get what I mean.

Hospitals have television and real food, instead of no TV and powdered egg and canned meat.

Then there are lifers, prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment. They have no chance of release and will die in a cell. Many give up hope and try suicide, this is just another way out. Catch a virus and maybe you get lucky and die in hospital instead of a cell at the age of 90. Alternatively, escape from hospital and continue doing bad things.

At the very least, the chance of getting or spreading covid19 provides a break from day to day activities in a prison. At worse, the prisoners contaminate all the guards and the prisoners escape from hospital and go on a crime spree.
I know the prisons here have tv. Do the ones in aussie not?
In Iran you can be sentenced to death for a huge amount of crimes. Including homosexuality. It is unconfirmed but widely believed they have the highest rate of execution per capita. They are not a country known for there care of prisoners. I doubt they have TV.
I know the prisons here have tv. Do the ones in aussie not?
Prisons in Australia have television but prisoners do not have access to TV or computers any time they want it. They might get an hour or two of TV per day and it will be monitored and censored. News and current affair shows are normally restricted and quite often videos will be shown instead of live TV.

Computers are also limited and prisoners might get an hour a day on a pc, and everything they do on it will be monitored.

On the covid19 front in Australia, we have new cases in the eastern states.

Most states are now opening pubs and clubs, which is stupid, but the governments want people to be able to get drunk again.

Apparently beer companies are dumping beer. I'm not sure why when it lasts for months in a cool environment and they have giant cool rooms to store it.

Pubic transport (trains) are packed with people like the photo of the UK rail system last week. Everyone on the trains is in breach of the social distancing laws and none of them wore face masks.

Football players are still trying to get permission to fly in and out of different states so they can play sport. Fortunately most of the state governments are saying "No Chance", and are refusing to let them come in their states.

A number of the football players are also refusing to get a normal flu vaccine as required in their contracts. They claim it is a breach of their rights. What a crock, they are in breach of their contracts and should not be given special privileges just because they are athletes. I must also point out, a number of the players have been caught on video breaking social distancing laws and general socialising laws. These people have shown they cannot be trusted and do not care about the laws, so they should not be allowed to travel around the country potentially spreading a killer virus.

Restaurants are re-opening but there are no laws about staff having to wear face masks so someone preparing the food could have covid19 and spread it to every meal they prepare.

One of the Macdonald's stores over east is shut because its staff have covid19. Nobody is concerned about the people who bought food from there, which could be contaminated with the virus.

Quite frankly, people here are acting like d!ckheads and don't care about the virus and that is going to cause a massive outbreak in the very near future.
A coworker of my dad (30 and healthy) got 6 different strains of it and almost died
Heart disease, lung health problems, cancer and diabetes put people at risk of dying if they catch covid19 or any flu virus because the viruses put lots of pressure on the heart and lungs. And diabetes reduces the immune system so it's harder to heal yourself when sick or injured. If you have any one of these issues you are at a higher risk of dying, and if you add old age or a combination of these factors, you have a very high risk of dying if you catch covid19.

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