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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Haha thats great. I didnt even think of that. My neighbors are swedish
Well china is facing another lock down on a second out break and we're not recovered and the goverments not helping letting people mix more.

Texas is opening back up and cases are still dropping. So far! National news just predicted vaccine by end of year possible. We’ll see.
Australia has a few cases popping up and lots of people near my place have a cough but aren't staying at home.

The young lady over the road had visitors yesterday and they were coughing in her driveway.

I have heard people coughing when I go for my nightly walk too.

And a few hours ago a person was walking down my access driveway coughing.

The laws here state if you have any cold, flu, cough or bug, you stay at home and quarantine for 2 weeks, but people aren't doing that. This is going south and it's gonna get bad unless people stay at home when sick.
We get about 20,000 cases a day here in the US. My state averages 1000 new case a day and 100 new deaths daily.
We were pretty much on lockdown for 2 months. The Governor is now planning on gradually opening the economy and churches. We're at 87,000 total cases and 5860 total deaths in my state and growing daily,. It's the Twilight Zone here.
I think if it opens up too soon it will get worse and people will be much less cooperative if a second lock down were to happen. I wish everyone would just wear masks. Literally if everyone wore a mask the R0 would drop to less than one and people could go back to normal. And if even 90% of people worse masks it would protect the people who dont. The mask dosent protect you as much as it's for protecting other people and if everyone does it it in turn protects you
I'm really frustrated right now because the family I usually babysit for is having a hard time because the dad is working as a truck driver so hes home for one weekend and then gone for 2 weeks and then 1 weekend and again. They have 4 kids under 6yrs old and the mom is pregnant in her third trimester and she keeps fainting and getting super sick and I cant go help out because of the lockdowns
West Australian Police are arguing with the state government over safe working conditions during covid19. Police are claiming they don't have suitable or sufficient personal protection equipment.

An economist (not working for the government) suggested the federal government give everyone $100,000 to pay off their personal debt. The government hasn't responded but you can't give people that much money for nothing. It would destroy the country's economy and turn us into something like some of the African countries where a loaf of bread cost $10,000. On top of that, why the hell should the government give rich people and stupid people 100 grand to pay off their bills? If people that work and earn a lot of money can't live within their means, why should the government bail them out of their financial hardship? I get 20 grand a year and manage to save a few dollars each week. Most people earn more than 75 grand a year and if they can't save money, fuplie them.

Lots and lots of people in my area are coughing in public. It's freaking me out because the law states anyone with a cough, cold or flu is meant to stay home for 2 weeks and not go out in public. People aren't obeying the laws, as usual.

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