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some parents do measles parties don't they.

It was German measles parties before the vaccine was developed. It was well known that if a woman caught German measles in the first three months of pregnancy there was a high risk that the baby would have serious problems (congenital rubella syndrome). So why risk your daughter getting measles when she was pregnant - make sure she got it as a child. And the best way to make sure all girls caught it was to bring the as yet uninfected girls in contact with another child who had it.
In the 1980s when I was pregnant with my first child, all pregnant women were tested to see if they'd had German measles (I had) and if they hadn't, they were offered the vaccine. One man my husband worked with was very concerned when his wife became pregnant with their 4th child. She had been tested with her first, which showed she had not had German measles but she refused the vaccine. While in the early stages with her 4th, the child next door came down with the disease. Luckily, she didn't catch it.
Well can someone please explain what the video is about in text terms?

Is it related to 5g by any chance?
I did not watch it but so many other good ones have been removed @Deanasue what is it about?
Montana is opening its schools.

People wearing masks have been attacked and stabbed and shot by people who are "against masks"
People wearing masks have been attacked and stabbed and shot by people who are "against masks"
That's what happens when gun nuts run the country.

The right to bare arms, what a crock of crap. That should have been removed 100 years ago after you lot separated from England. Such an antiquated law written into your constitution and thousands of people die in America every year because of it.

As for killing someone for wearing a mask, that is murder and conspiracy to spread a pandemic. The people doing the killing should be executed.
Local walmart, all of the mothers day stuff was sold out which is super unusual, they normally have tons left over. And the meat section was totally empty. Also there were only a couple bikes there


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Western Australia hasn't had any new cases of covid19 for 7 days and most of the restrictions have been relaxed or removed.

On Friday and Saturday night I went for my usual walk and there were dozens of parties within 2km of my house. Most of the parties had 10+ cars there and that would suggest the social gathering laws (max of 10 people in a group) are being ignored. Most of the cars at the parties had P plates. P plates are probationary drivers and most are 18 years old.

There were also half a dozen cars in carparks with groups of people getting stoned, and groups of teenagers roaming the streets and using unlicensed motorbikes on public parks. I even had cars parked on my front lawn because the sob neighbour had a party on both nights and his mates thought they would park on my lawn. needless to say the neighbour is going to get a nasty letter from the strata management about this because he has been told before to stay off my property.

Finally there were hundreds of cars racing along the highway and cop cars going everywhere.

All of this occurred within a short walk of my home and over 2 nights and if anyone has covid19, there is going to be a huge outbreak in 2 weeks time.

I hope the state government didn't screw up and relax the restrictions too early. I am not the only one who thinks this and the senior medical guys in the country are all saying restrictions should remain in place until there has been 0 cases for at least one month.
Yeah I think 0 for a month would be best. I was relieved to find that there were no new cases as I have a lot of family in Perth
Slightly relaxed rules in the UK announced:
However I believe this still means I can't go for a haircut not even from my Aunty :-(

The government's guidance is now:

  • Stay at home as much as possible
  • Work at home if you can
  • Limit contact with other people
  • Keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • If you or anyone in your household has symptoms, you all need to self-isolate

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