Complete Newbie

It's exciting isn't it? Are the kids fascinated by it all? You'll have to get them to help - that could be interesting! lol
Remember to get the water temperatures about the same. If you've a tank thermometer use that, if not you can use your hand and dip the same hand in both the dechlorinated replacement water and the tank water before adding it. (It's good practice to have a thermometer so you can check daily to make sure your heater is adjusted and working properly.) You might have to add hot or cold water to modify if they feel different but do this before adding to the tank - never add extremely hot or cold water directly to the tank, make the adjustments first. When they feel the same to your hand they will be within 1° of each other and it should be safe to add it to your tank. With smaller amounts of water it's not so critical, but when you start doing larger tho less frequent water changes it becomes more of an issue as a temperature swing can shock the fish. What temp are you running your tank?
Mine's at 24-25°C depending on how long the lights are on.
Like RCA I keep a record (mine's on the computer) of all the water test results, tank readings, any changes like additions or removals from the tank and fish behaviour. It might just help if you have a problem down the line and you are asking for help on here. If you'd like to have a look I'd be happy to send you a copy.
My mama platy is due to give birth any day now. She's had fry every 5 weeks since the beginning of December and if it goes as before tonight's the night! I'm setting up the 30L again, originally in order to house the fry overspill, but have been looking at siamese fighting fish and it may just end up as a betta tank instead! Decisions! Decisions!
My oldest kid loves it. I bought a glass thermometer on day2 of the tank. Managed to Gert my heater to stick the temp at 25oC. Its not moved from there. Can't wait for all my purchases to come in, especially the water kit. A little anxious about babies. I don't want too many that I won't be able to add more fish.
Well once I'd realised I'd got a male and a female, I didn't add any more as I suspected that I wouldn't need to - not that there was much room anyway! When the 2nd batch arrived I got the larger tank and since then there's been a 3rd lot and a 4th lot imminent.
To be honest it's hard not to breed platies and a lot of the time they are already pregnant when purchased. It seems they've only to look at a male to get pregnant! lol
How big are your females? My adult mama is about 2½" long including tail and the oldest fry (15 wks) is about 1½" long. I had mine 5 months before they started breeding (that I know of) so they were probably quite young when I got them.
Don't worry about it tho. Enjoy your fish for a while - that's what it's all about at the end of the day
Arcticfox1977 said:
So we have picked up 3 female platys. First, as expected, quite slow and shy, but after an hour or so they started swimming about quite happily. The staff at dobbies did their water test to check for nitrate, ammonia and nitrate and pH. Ammonia and nitrite were 0 which was expected with no fish and no previous ammonia solution. PH was 7.6 which they said was very slightly high, it should be 7.4. Anyway, we were advised to get platys as these were hardier and bigger than guppys or tetras which is what we will be eventually going for. They also said to wait til tomorrow to feed them and to wait 2 weeks if we were adding more fish. Does any of this sound true or nonsense?? If so please advise on anything I should do.
As with Mamashack I thought you were doing a fish-less cycle for some reason.
The advice you have been given is sound, you may even need to wait longer than 2 weeks depending how your cycling is going.
Arcticfox1977 said:
Regards to using the media from the s20 with the fluvial would it fit? I was thinking about running the 2 filters at the same time so the fluvial has a chance to get good bacteria through it.regards to the type of fish, tetras, guppies. Community tank. Our children are 5 and almost 2. Older one was asking a lot of questions but very patient. I've ordered my water test. I don't have it yet, but will do what you are saying. No doubt there will be more questions on the way lol.

Sorry, I thought I mentioned that I was doing it the fish-in cycle. I just we can get through the next coming days till the test comes through. Then I will take the water change from there.
Were you not able to return the S20 as not fit for purpose?  Yes you can run the two filters at the same time, or try and see if the media from the S20 will go alongside the sponge in the Fluval, it does not have to fit exactly.
With the guppies take a look at the Endlers, they are quite nice and smaller than your average Guppy.  I gave up on these sort of fish, the traditional Guppies, as I hated seeing them getting deformed backs after delivering fry after fry.  I now stick to non-live bearers, but they are a great beginner fish and the children will enjoy seeing the babies hiding in the plants (if you have them).
As an alternative to Tetras take a look at the Rasboras Espei - they are very bright compared to the standard Rasboras - generally harder to find - this is the fish I waited three months for!  I love them, they school well and are like little Piranhas at feeding time, the poor old Betta does not know what hit him!  MA should be able to get them in for you if you ask them.
Arcticfox1977 said:
How much of a water change would you say till I got me kit?
Little and often unless you get a toxic spike, of Ammonia or Nitrite, then you need to take out about 50% every day, good job the tank is not too big.
NB: I believe that fish discrete Ammonia through the gills as well as the other more obvious places.
Arcticfox1977 said:
Up for work lol. OK,OK, really just make sure I've still got 3 fish, and.......... We do!!!! Hooray. Will do a water change today.
Yeah, excited for you and the family.  What colour are they?
Arcticfox1977 said:
My oldest kid loves it. I bought a glass thermometer on day2 of the tank. Managed to Gert my heater to stick the temp at 25oC. Its not moved from there. Can't wait for all my purchases to come in, especially the water kit. A little anxious about babies. I don't want too many that I won't be able to add more fish.
Yes, the 5 year old will be more interested than the 2 year old, as they are usually too busy to stay still for long enough.  That said, my great nephew was in awe of my large aquarium in the bedroom, and he is only 19 months.
Your temp is about 77oF, I tend to have mine at about 80oF but that is because the fighters like it a little warmer.  I believe your temperature is at the lowest range for the platy, you could go up 1 more degree?  I will let Mamashack or ANO tell you for sure as it is a long time since I kept them.
With the babies, just let nature take its course, the other fish will eat some of them.  Those that do survive you can usually give to your LFS.  Is there a reason they gave you three females vs three males if you do not want the babies?
Do you have any plants in there, if so real or silk, or plastic?
Mamashack has been looking after you well but a few things that I find help my job as a fish keeper:
  • Get at least a 20ml syringe (I also have a 50ml), it is so much easier when filling the test tubes than trying to get water in them directly from the aquarium.  You have to order these on-line as the largest the chemist will sell you is 5ml.
  • With the above you can even use non-marked test tubes, as you can measure out the 5ml.
  • Take care with your test tubes they are very easy to break.  I bought a chemistry set for £2 at a charity shop then stripped out the test tubes (plus other useful items) and the test-tube rack - makes live a lot easier, you will see when you get your tubes.
  • Do not rely 100% on the test kits, they are good as a guide but also watch your fishes behaviour for changes.  I personally have not found the NitrAte test very good and I have heard others say the same.  I have yet to raise this with API.
  • I now have two Digital LCD Fish Aquarium Thermometer's (see link).  They are cheap and you can switch them from C to F.  So to echo Mamashack on temperature, when I am doing a water change I have one in the Aquarium and one in the Bucket, with them stuck side by side so I can ensure the temperature is about right.  Until recently I also did it by touch aka Mamashack but have found this way a lot easier.
  • I tend to use boiling water from the kettle and a pan to bring the water to temperature as you never know what has been sitting in your hot water pipes!  In fact I am even thinking of getting a commercial kettle with 3.5 litres to make the job even easier.
Can't wait to see pics.
Now onto my new project - off to pick up some new gear today :)
Your temp is about 77oF, I tend to have mine at about 80oF but that is because the fighters like it a little warmer.  I believe your temperature is at the lowest range for the platy, you could go up 1 more degree?  I will let Mamashack or ANO tell you for sure as it is a long time since I kept them.
Platies are temperate fish so somewhere in between cold-water and tropical. I have been advised that they can tolerate as low as 22°C tho I've never been able to achieve that due to the lighting contributing heat to the tank. Like I said my tank runs anywhere between 23.8 and 25.3° depending on how long the lights have been on.
With the babies, just let nature take its course, the other fish will eat some of them.  Those that do survive you can usually give to your LFS.  Is there a reason they gave you three females vs three males if you do not want the babies?
I practice survival of the fittest and fastest. If you want to keep a few for the kids to watch develop, get a few plants for the fry to hide in. Java fern is brilliant for that.  My LFS said they would take fry but only once they got to 3-4 months old
Do you have any plants in there, if so real or silk, or plastic?
Mamashack has been looking after you well <takes a bow> lol but a few things that I find help my job as a fish keeper:
  • Get at least a 20ml syringe (I also have a 50ml), it is so much easier when filling the test tubes than trying to get water in them directly from the aquarium.  You have to order these on-line as the largest the chemist will sell you is 5ml. I use a 5ml for all my testing as I only do one test at a time and it's more accurate at smaller volumes than a larger syringe).
  • With the above you can even use non-marked test tubes, as you can measure out the 5ml.
  • Take care with your test tubes they are very easy to break.  Broke one of mine the very first day!!! Don't be tempted to shake them like an old-fashioned human thermometer - that's how mine broke - I'm a nurse and I did it out of habit! lol
  • I bought a chemistry set for £2 at a charity shop then stripped out the test tubes (plus other useful items) and the test-tube rack - makes live a lot easier, you will see when you get your tubes.
  • Do not rely 100% on the test kits, they are good as a guide but also watch your fishes behaviour for changes.  I personally have not found the NitrAte test very good and I have heard others say the same.  I have yet to raise this with API. I have difficulty telling the difference between 40 and 80ppm on the nitrate scale and sometimes on the others. Use the test results as a guide as RCA says, but know your fishes' normal behaviour.
  • I now have two Digital LCD Fish Aquarium Thermometer's (see link).  They are cheap and you can switch them from C to F.  So to echo Mamashack on temperature, when I am doing a water change I have one in the Aquarium and one in the Bucket, with them stuck side by side so I can ensure the temperature is about right.  Until recently I also did it by touch aka Mamashack but have found this way a lot easier.
  • I tend to use boiling water from the kettle and a pan to bring the water to temperature as you never know what has been sitting in your hot water pipes!  In fact I am even thinking of getting a commercial kettle with 3.5 litres to make the job even easier.
Can't wait to see pics.
Now onto my new project - off to pick up some new gear today

Keep us up to date with your new stuff, RCA
<am a nosy cow! lol
I have done a water change today taking out 16l. The water certainly looks cleaner. Also how often should you feed fish. I've fed them twice today as they have eaten the 2 flakes each time I've put in?
We thought with 3 males they would fight. Never thought of babies till I told you guys.
1 plant and its silk. Apparently dobbies are getting fresh ones in next weekend. I might try MA first. We want real plants more than fake ones.
They didn't take the filter back as that is what's supplied with the tank and kit.
My fish are 2 orange 1 yellow. The yellow one likes to nibble on the rocks and gravel. 1 orange one is hyper, dives about all over, the other orange 1 is chilled.

So how often do you feed fish and how much?
I only feed mine once a day and quite a small pinch at that! Fish are greedy and will eat if you feed them. Probably best to feed very sparingly since you are doing fish-in cycling - the more they eat, the more waste they produce and the higher the toxic levels could go. They will still be settling in and the dashing about by the one could be a sign of stress, so try the lights out for significant chunks of the day and maybe only put them on when you are actually viewing the fish.
Live plants will help to mop up ammonia and nitrAtes, however they would be competing with the friendly bacteria for nutrients and might prolong the cycle. I'd stick with the silk ones for now until your tank is fully cycled.
Arcticfox1977 said:
I have done a water change today taking out 16l. The water certainly looks cleaner. Also how often should you feed fish. I've fed them twice today as they have eaten the 2 flakes each time I've put in?
I feed mine once to twice a day, however I feed them a large mix of 15+ foods (got a bunch of different foods at Kens Fish), so it has various frozen foods, flakes, and all that. They all eat it voraciously.
I fed mine half a cube of frozen bloodworm yesterday - they all loved it apart from pregnant mama platy and she kept taking it in then spitting it out (I had thawed it before putting it in) All the others devoured it. She still hasn't had her latest brood and I'm running the tank a wee bit cooler than I used to so maybe it is true after all that lower temperatures slow breeding down a bit. It's only 1 day yet, but I keep a record of these things and it will be interesting to see what overall impact it has had.
Research the different types of food for fish, Arctic. You'll find people favour diffferent types and they all have their benefits and draw-backs. Most of the draw-backs have ways of being dealt with, but I'd stick with the flake until you've had chance to look at the different ones available.

Just a precautionary note about the test kit when you get it. Remember that they are chemicals and can be dangerous in the wrong hands i.e.don't let the kids near them! I'd strongly recommend wearing gloves whilst you are testing - can get disposable vinyl gloves anywhere these days. Be careful where you dispose of the tested water. I'm still not happy about putting mine down the sink and rinsing well, I only hope that it gets neutralized before hitting any water supplies again. Does anyone else have any thoughts or recommendations on that?
So how often do you feed fish and how much?
Overfeeding is often a cause of issues in an aquarium therefore you only need to feed a very little.  I vary my feeding, sometimes once a day, sometimes twice and very occasionally three times, then nothing for a day does not hurt either.  Some people do this as a regular event i.e. fasting once a week.  I just do it every now and again.
I also like fish that eat from the bottom, as they will clean up any food that falls into the bottom of the aquarium. I also ensure they get their own food too.
Out of interest what flakes are you using?  I vary my fishes diets a lot, you can see a list of what I use in my profile.
If you are going to MA, a good food to try is the frozen brine shrimp in Garlic, the fish love it.  You may wish to wait until you have a few more fish though as the cubes are quite big.  I also picked up a moist food elsewhere the other day that the fish seem to go crazy for, there is info., about it in the forum, let me know if you want more info. on this, or cannot find it.
Now onto my new project - off to pick up some new gear today

Keep us up to date with your new stuff, RCA
<am a nosy cow! lol
I have added a link into my signature for you all ;)
More intrigued I think than nosy

I love the live plants and generally have them in all of my aquariums.  Of course they need looking after too, so that is something to bear in mind.  I use silk plants in the tanks without their own set of lights, but I do not use plastic plants.
Take a look at Moss Balls, they are neat too.
Mamashack said:
[deleted text]
Just a precautionary note about the test kit when you get it. Remember that they are chemicals and can be dangerous in the wrong hands i.e.don't let the kids near them! I'd strongly recommend wearing gloves whilst you are testing - can get disposable vinyl gloves anywhere these days. Be careful where you dispose of the tested water. I'm still not happy about putting mine down the sink and rinsing well, I only hope that it gets neutralized before hitting any water supplies again. Does anyone else have any thoughts or recommendations on that?
Never really thought about this before, what about starting a new topic on this one?  Also, maybe API themselves may reassure you, if you contact them?
Just taking a sneaky peak whilst I'm at work
I'll start a new thread when I get home tonight RCA after I've done a search to see if it already exists.
Catch up later
OK, got the api master kit today.
Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0.
Is it now water changes? And how much of a water change?
Have you tested your tap water yet? Ours has 40ppm nitrAtes to start with so my water changes have no impact on nitrAtes at all. I'm not being evasive but some water supplies also have ammonia present so it would be good to know what yours is from the tap then advice can be given accordingly

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