Arcticfox1977 said:
These are all great advice that that everyone is providing. I have recently purchased the fluval2 and the api master test kit along with water treatment for chlorine. I have heard the marina s20 has narrow tubes and blocks easily after a short time. I agree both of you and both are completely correct going on my own research. I will take a trip into Maidenhead Aquatics in the future.
I really do appreciate all this advice.
Thank you all.
Great work you will not be disappointed with the Fluval U2 or the API Test Kit - just check the expiry date on it as they have a two year shelf life and believe it or not I was recently sold something that was almost two years out of date from a local Garden Centre!
As per Mamashack you will not need to replace the foam very often, I have also put filter floss in mine, before the water hits the central chamber. I throw this away and replace it, but keep the sponges and the ceramic noodles i.e. foam on outside, filter wool on inside, ceramic media is in the middle.
Good luck at Maidenhead Aquatics, they usually have a good selection of fish and you can browse at your leisure. I always write down the fish I like the look of and do my own research at home prior to purchasing anything new.
Glad we are keeping you happy
it is fun to help those who are willing to listen and learn, and do things the right way.
Mamashack said:
Have to hold my hand up RCA - I saw 20G and assumed it was UK gallons but can see now I was wrong. It's probably better to talk in Litres as they are the same everywhere as far as I know, whereas a Gallon depends which side of the atlantic you are! ....
Thanks Mamashack
, I too was happy to be corrected if I was missing something, I agree Litres are easier for me too, I always have to convert gallons to Litres to understand someone's post if they are talking in Gallons. Maybe Litres could be a Forum Guidance (rather than rule) point - any moderators there?
Arcticfox1977 said:
Now that we have filters sorted out on to the fish. I've thread through research that you need to let the bag sit floating in your tank for 15 mins, before introducing them to your tank. Is this right and is there anything else I need to do to introduce them?
BTW have you returned the Marina filter to the store? I would be using the media from it to help seed the Fluval U2 as you have already started the cycling process with it.
I generally agree with Mamashack re: the introducing fish, but a couple of things I do slightly differently. I introduce smaller amounts of aquarium water, especially with more sensitive fish. If they are very sensitive I actually take readings of their initial water with the API test kit so I have a base line as to what I am working from - this is a bit overkill and I would not recommend it for all the fish you get, but it can be interesting to know what they have been in. If it is then fairly different to what I have in the aquarium I take a bit longer acclimatising them. I have bought a large syringe, a 20ml and a 50ml and these are great for adding smaller amounts of water every 5 mins, until the water in the bag is likely to be the same as the aquarium water.
When I release them, I actually remove them from the bag either with a scoop, so they are still in a very small amount of water, or a net. This way minimum amount of original water enters my aquarium.
I do now generally quarantine all new fish, but that is a whole new discussion
What fish do you fancy so far?
How old are the children? They too are being very patient