Fish Crazy
Will keep the 10% changes going. 1 thing is concerning me now. 1 fish is constantly at the top of the tank sooking air and constant poos. Does anyone have ideas what could be wrong?
I've emailed API with a couple of questions yesterday including the safety of the reagents in the water system. Will post any replies I getI agree always better to be safe then sorry. Also, I would agree, especially for a toilet that if you put that 10-20 drops of regent in that 1g+ toilet bowl, it's really going to get diluted. Maybe someone should make a thread here for that kind of stuff. "Deactivating" it would baking soda is something interesting, however I would recommend someone calls API and sees what they have to say.
Arcticfox1977 said:Took out 40l this morning. Yellow fish looks back to normal. Swimming more and less at the top.