Fish Crazy
Thanks for this very helpful advice and link. I was planning to buy an air pump and a treasure chest that blows bubbles to help.Mamashack said:You can buy foam by the sheet and cut it to size. Marina won't make them to fit as they want you to buy their expensive cartridges. You can get coarse, medium and fine foams, floss if you want crystal clear water and also carbon foam if you need it for getting rid of meds after a course of treatment. Once your tank is cycled with the 2 cartridges you already have, you can add whichever foam you pick to the empty slots to seed with the cartridges still in place. Some of the beneficial bacteria will slowly migrate to the foam. When the existing cartridges eventually deteriorate you can replace them one at a time (preferably not both together as you'd be losing a good proportion of your friendly bacteria in one go and could end up with ammonia and nitrite spikes harming your fish) with the foam of your choice depending on what you want to achieve. Coarse foam is good for trapping solid waste and the finer ones for removing smaller particles. As mentioned floss is good at "polishing" the water as it is very dense and excellent at removing the tiniest particles.I have searched the net for foam cartridges for my filter but it doesn't seem that they make any other media apart from the carbon ones. Could someone recommend foam media to me that would fit my filter.
I'll try and find the link I had for filter foam sheets on Ebay and let you know.
Just adding a note, filter foam lasts for ages and shouldn't be replaced unless it is physically falling apart. The solid waste should be rinsed off in the old tank water you are replacing before you throw it away or use it for your plants. Never rinse in untreated tap water as the chlorine will kill off your BBs. Sorry if you know all this, but I'd rather someone reminded me than have them assume I know it.
Not saying you should get this one, just as an example. In the search box I put filter foam and got a long list of sellers.
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