Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

they are all great thanks, i would put pictures up, but you cant really make them out too much, all i can really say is there eyes are bigger, and you can tell when there looking at you :shifty: , and you can make out organs, i have been feeding on baby brine shrimp for about a week now, all is well. my male is in a floating trap at the minute whilst his fins get better, and my two females are in my other tank.

cheers, spilz
hey guys!!!just an update, i would say i have about 25-30 fish some bigger than others, but there getting to a fair size.

WEIRDEST THING EVER!!! my two females that i have in my community tank: one built a bubble nest, and then they "DID IT" underneath the nest, eggs and all (althought the other fish ate them)

is this normal, or is it likely my chick has a d ...

this sounds really stupid of me, but, ah wel.
heres the culprit

hey guys!!!just an update, i would say i have about 25-30 fish some bigger than others, but there getting to a fair size.

WEIRDEST THING EVER!!! my two females that i have in my community tank: one built a bubble nest, and then they "DID IT" underneath the nest, eggs and all (althought the other fish ate them)

is this normal, or is it likely my chick has a d ...

this sounds really stupid of me, but, ah wel.
heres the culprit

Those long fins in front make it look like a male to me...
also has quite a long pointed anal fin, which can be a sign of a male too. but i would say the biggest sign is that they mated! females sometimes make bubblenests, but this seems a little more extreme than that!
so i'm no expert but looks like a nice PK to me :good:
yer i would say it has more characteristics of a male than a female. cheers for input guyz
That very much looks like a male plakat to me.

Congratulations on the babies! My first two spawns resulted in only 3-4 survivors, so you're doing pretty well.
cool, a MALE!!! yay lol. its a really nice fish, ive never really noticed before lol.
im much more into my males (fish lol)

cheers for comment on fry, my dads been and bought me loadsa little tanks ready to split them up, although i dont think there going to be big enough for a while.
ill get some pics up just as soon as one of them decides to stay still, and ill try and get a better picture of my he-she fish
What are you gonna do with him now that you found out he's a boy? (he's beautiful!) I know you had them all three together but its probably not a good idea to put two reproductive males in one tank with a female. You probably know this by now but I just wanted to throw that out there for ya to consider.
i have two tanks, one male in one, and a male and female in the other, luckily, the male and female barely see each other because there are plenty of places to hide, i aim to breed the male pk after christmas.
i think people need to chill on here when people say about breeding betta, everyones got a "first time" breeding the fish. and i remember when i asked about breeding them when i was just getting into betta, the response' were go and read then have a go when you are ready. this wasnt the reply i was looking for.

im at sparsholt now and breeding some very nice betta and in superb facilitys at college.

nag over haha.

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