Betta Splendens Breeding (i Have Fry)

thanks very much for that, all of my fish are fed on high quality frozen and live food, although i will have to track down some fry food.
i have taken the one female out as she was a bit confused as to which gender she was lol, built a bubble nest and wouldnt let anyone near it, the other female is showing signs that she is ready to breed, so she is seperated from the male in a jar that rest in the tank.
this is allways good

dmarie and mel got u good!!!lol :lol:
I'll tri to give u some personal advise,but not much as i will not breed my bettas until christmas.(two reasons for the wait are, i want them to hatch in new years eve!!!, and I will use all of my christmas money on supplies :blush: )
dont' dare use a bowl for breeding.u need atLEAST a 10gal. tank and put a lot of caves for the female to hide in( i''ll use a lot of recycable cups and cut out a hole in the side u would drink from to make a little house!!!)
got me good?? lol ok. cheers for the advice, i wouldnt say it was a bowl as such, its just small, id say about 5 gallons, ive heard that this is sufficient, seeing as there natural habitat is sometimes ditches, and they breathe air, as long as there is a good surface area of the tank, i cant see why it would matter too much... but who knows lol, i been in shops where male bettas are displayed in tiny tanks, and are just there for show, not for sale. which is annoying when you see a nice one.
u need at least a 10gal so that the female can hide :good:

by got u good, i meant they changed ur mind about bettas.
from a person breeding for money ->to a person breeding for joy :lol:
i was never breeding for the money mate, although i was planning to sell them, if ya know what i mean lol. i know what you mean about the female hiding places, but my female is in a jar in the tank, so the male cannot touch her until i decide to let her roam free in the tank, and i will be keeping an eye on her when i do, im going to give them a few more days anyway, because one of my females is really boistrous and the other looks asleep all the while lol, not only that, but like someone said earlier, i think they have been together too long.

would i be better getting a new male, or a couple of new females to try and get a pair to spawn?? my male is currently building bubble nest, but flaring a lot at the females.
I have spawned a fair few pairs now and i always use a 5gal tank to do it and not had problems so this should be fine as long as they have places to hide which you have got covered. As for the fish them selves, what tail type are they and where are they from because it may pay to get in a good quality pair to spawn with this way selling on the fry will be easier.

I wish you the best of luck with your spawning and hope it goes well :good:
thanks very much, i will get some pics up later on tonight so people can see what they think, my male has some slight damage that he already had when i got him, but i loved his pink colour. spilz
from what i can tell from males on here, my male is a CT, which means what?? lol, crown tail is it??
from what i can tell from males on here, my male is a CT, which means what?? lol, crown tail is it??

Yes CT is crown tail - the 2nd and 4th ones on my sig are CTs they are a good tail type but your female could do with being a CT too as this makes the tail pure. Can't wait to see some pics and he's PINK! that sounds lush
i will get the pics up 2day, didnt have time last night, im not sure if he is a crown tail actually, his tail isnt like the 4th one on your sig, but it is like the second one, from what i can see.
I HAVE FRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tiny little sperm like creatures dashing in and out of the nest, i am taking the females out, and the male out when they are completely free swimming, they are absolutely tiny!!! its a shame i was busy the last few days because i missed the spawning.
just thought id tell you lot!! well happy. im goin to the shop now to get some food for them, spilz
ok ok get the females out NOW! the females should have not both been in together while spawning for one and for Two the what should have been single female should have been removed right after they had spawned and you had eggs, its amazing that they are still alive

Edit: I have just re-read this topic through, you told us you had already removed one of the girls now your saying they are both still in there - please make up your mind. People on here give good advice and i don't want to sound like i am getting shirty but it seems to me like you haven't listened to it if you had of you would not still have 2 females in with the males now fry have hatched. I am also a little worried that you are now only going out to get food for them, you should already be adding infusoria to the tank now or at least Liquifry. Your MW cultyre should have been set up at least 4 days ago. I'm sorry but if any survive i will be amazed. I am already shocked that your girls are still in one piece.

Any how i wish you all the best, but i pity the fish
no, my females are out, and i have newly hatched baby brine and an infusoria mix, my friend breeds fish, when i said i was getting food, i meant goin to my mates to fetch some, i have also bought some liqui-fry , dont know what peoples views are on that.

anyways, heres my pics

my female


my male

if you look close, you can see a few fry, some are now free swimming

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