Ben's 400l Wet Thing

Ouch Ben, so sorry about all your troubles. Having lost half my stock I can share some sympathies, but I've never had to go completely fishless. That really stinks man, sorry. Moving forward you can keep many different wrasses in a tank at once. A former display tank at my LFS showcased no less than 18 different Fairy wrasse species in a single 120g tank. They had success adding multiple wrasses simultaneousely after there were a pair of clowns in there eating/pooping to build up the filter. Adding a single wrasse would usually lead to it being singled-out and bullied to death, but adding 3+ at a time spread the aggression around and was successful. Obviously new additions were QT'ed first.

While your busy setting up a new fish list, get a simple QT setup with a heater, pump, and sponge filter and you might as well start fishless cycling it :)
Really sorry to hear that mate. I have a horrible feeling I may be going down the same route as well :(
i hope not barney. I honestly felt like taking a hammer to the tank. If it wasnt for everyone ebing so nice on here and the fact i still have my corals i would have given up.
i hope not barney. I honestly felt like taking a hammer to the tank. If it wasnt for everyone ebing so nice on here and the fact i still have my corals i would have given up.

Amen to that. And the corals really do keep your hopes up.
added an extra 15K or so of live rock today. Needed something to do!




Back wall has been bad with algae since i lost the fish :(
That looks even nicer than it did before. :good:

Really do like what you can do with that shape tank.

Not surprised about the algae really, there were bodies you could not find so it is bound to have increased levels to allow the algae to grow.
we found them eventually. There were 3 of them all under the same rock. One of them was in quite a mess too :(
Im probably going to put another 5-10kg of small bits in the sump too.
Really sorry to hear about your troubles - these things are sent to try us!

Glad to hear your not giving up - your tank fishless and all still looks great.

All the best

Ocellaris Clown Fish x2 ♂ ♀
Kole Tang
Mccosker's Flasher Wrasse x 3 ♂ ♀ ♀
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Tail spot blenny
bartlets anthia
flame back angel / potters angel
i can give you a tsb mine have just spawned again got a 3ft tank to there self lucky them
id love one scott. Only thing is it would be several hours drive to get it. They are quite rare round here too.
Got a pic of yours?

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