Ouch Ben, so sorry about all your troubles. Having lost half my stock I can share some sympathies, but I've never had to go completely fishless. That really stinks man, sorry. Moving forward you can keep many different wrasses in a tank at once. A former display tank at my LFS showcased no less than 18 different Fairy wrasse species in a single 120g tank. They had success adding multiple wrasses simultaneousely after there were a pair of clowns in there eating/pooping to build up the filter. Adding a single wrasse would usually lead to it being singled-out and bullied to death, but adding 3+ at a time spread the aggression around and was successful. Obviously new additions were QT'ed first.
While your busy setting up a new fish list, get a simple QT setup with a heater, pump, and sponge filter and you might as well start fishless cycling it
While your busy setting up a new fish list, get a simple QT setup with a heater, pump, and sponge filter and you might as well start fishless cycling it