Thanks again everyone.
I have decided after taking the plunge into the world of planted tanks that i have learned a lot and i have decided to start again (almost).
I bought 6 silver Koi Angelfish yesterday and will be removing all the existing fish except the whiptails, corys and rummy-noses.
I will be selling on / giving away most of the existing plants and bogwood, to replace them with an XXL piece of Sumatra Driftwood, and planting predominantly with Anubias, Crypts, Swords and Java Ferns.
Big changes coming.
So, final stocking will be,
2 x Sturisoma Festivum (Royal Whiptails)
7 x Corydoras Paleatus (Peppered Corys)
30ish x Hemigrammus Rhodostomus (Rummy-Nose Tetras)
6 x Pterophyllum Scalare (Silver Koi Angelfish)