Backtotropical's Main Tank

how much was the Co2 stuff BTT?

I paid £110 for the kit from my LFS. No doubt you'd find it cheaper online.

It is my first pressurised CO2 kit, but it seems quite good. No problems so far. :good:
I re-homed the excess fish at the weekend and have stripped the plants out. All i've kept is a bit Limnophila Sessiliflora.

I also decided to keep the barbs. So stocking is now:-

1 x Sturisoma Festivum (Royal Whiptails) (1 died about a week ago, unknown causes :rip: )
7 x Corydoras Paleatus (Peppered Corys)
8 x Hemigrammus Rhodostomus (Rummy-Nose Tetras) (More to come)
6 x Pterophyllum Scalare (Silver Koi Angelfish)
8 x Puntius Rhomboocellatus (Snakeskin Barbs)

I have also bought 3 large pieces of Unipac's Sumatra Driftwood as featured recently in PFK. It is awesome.

Pics to follow.

Cheers :good:

As promised...........................

Full tank shot 29/03/08


Sumatra driftwood (Left side of tank)


Sumatra driftwood (Middle of tank)


Sumatra driftwood (Right side of tank)


JavaFern by Dennerle (1st plant, will order the rest to order shortly)


New Angelfish (1st pics)



Rummy Nose Tetras (Fast little guys, sorry about the pic quality)


Snakeskin Barbs


and finally, Peppered Cory


Comments welcome as always.

Cheers :good:

yes your right about the angelfish!

Love your tank man! its the kind you would look at for inspiration :good:

Maybe put in a few discus?? would contrast well with the neons!

or even better! a few blue rams! :D :D :D :D
Thanks guys,

I've stole a couple of Anubias from the fry tank so getting there slowly.

I'll post more pics up as it progresses. :good:

The Angels have grown considerably, and i've added a few ferns and anubias, and got some glassware to diffuse the CO2. I've also tonight started my Echinodorus Tennelus lawn.

Not much done since last time but it'll be getting into full swing soon!

Comments welcome as always.






Cheers :good:

Large Cryptocoryne added last night. Pics to follow! :good:
That tank is crying out for a wall of vallis at the back, it would look amazing. :good:
Haven't seen the tank in a while BTT. Looking good even at this stage! I love how you are always fiddling, and changing around. :lol:

Maybe you can fly down to the prairie sometime and do my tank over! :hyper:
Looking good, the plants should be growing like weeds soon with the CO2 as well!

Thanks. Yes, i'm hoping so. I'll keep updating this thread with my progress. I'm running 216w of light, giving 3.8WP(UK)G or 3.1WP(US)G. I'm dosing TPN+, and pressurised CO2. Everything is in place (obviously i'm getting more plants), just sit back and wait now! :hyper:

tank looks great, them snake skin barbs are beautiful, never seen anything like them before :hyper:

Thanks. The Snakeskin Barbs are Puntius Rhomboocellatus. Stunning little guys. About the same temperament as Pentazona Barbs, and not fin-nippers.

That tank is crying out for a wall of vallis at the back, it would look amazing. :good:

Great minds, great minds.................................................

Haven't seen the tank in a while BTT. Looking good even at this stage! I love how you are always fiddling, and changing around. :lol:

Maybe you can fly down to the prairie sometime and do my tank over! :hyper:

DiscusLova, thats a name i've not heard for a while. Which section of the forum are you hanging out in these days? Thanks for your comments, appreciated as ever.

If i'm ever in the prairie, i'll be sure to swing by! :good:


Ok, so i was at my LFS today and got some plants. To my amazement, his tank was absolutely full of Vallis of all different types (just what i'd been after). I asked how much for the lot and he said "£5, i just want rid of them" :hyper: .


So moved the driftwood around a bit, planted the new Crypt and the Vallis and.............

That tank is crying out for a wall of vallis at the back, it would look amazing. :good:

Great minds, great minds.................................................


Right Side


Left Side


New Cryptocoryne


I'd appreciate thoughts / comments. :good:


With the high levels of light you have and minimal plant mass, you could run in to algae problems pretty quickly. In my opinion, you should either go for 75% of substrate coverage with fast growers, or control the lighting at lower levels for the duration.


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