Hi and welcome,
I will watch this thread with interest, i recently got my hobby boots back on and started with a small tank about 5 months ago. On a whim in my local version of B&Q bought a 60L set, that went well…..so, I decided to to start hunting around on Czech version of eBay and found a nice 120L Jewel complete set, that went well…..so, I decided to go hunting for another deal and snagged a 240L set and its going well…..
I have platties and 2 juvenile albino Pleco’s in the 60L, the Pleco’s will move over to the 240L
4 convict cichlids (and fry) + 6 glass fish on the 125L
25 neon tetras, 4 Corys and 4 albino corys, 3 trumpet snails in the 240L The corys are simply amazing, they have these incredible bursts of energy and love surfing the air curtain at the back of the tank
I hope you take as much joy out of the hobby as I do.
The only suggestion I can offer is, take your time and work out what you want, then plunge in and enjoy the water.
Good luck