Aqua One 60L My First Ever Planted Tank


Nov 18, 2010
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UPDATE 23rd june

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tank details

aqua one 60l
2 x 24w t5`s` (arcadia)
eco complete substrate
fire extinguisher co2
one nano power head
aps 1000l/h external filter


val nana (most has died)
eleocharis parvula
rotala rotundifolia
cryptocoryne wendtii `green`
hygrophila polysperma removed


2 nerite snails (1 died :()
5 black phantom tetra
6 neon tetra
Well with that lighting I hope the Flourish Excel works well, its like 4WPG lol.
DIY CO2 isn't sufficient for one of these set ups, nor is excel, you need pressurised CO2, even with just one tube running.
DIY CO2 isn't sufficient for one of these set ups, nor is excel, you need pressurised CO2, even with just one tube running.

the diy fire extinguiser method wouldnt be suitable?
Sorry, I thought you meant yeast CO2 by DIY, the fire extinguisher route will be fine.
Looks like an interesting project, will keep my eye on this :good:
To be honest the only plant in your list that will need the co2 is hc to be at its best but with that lighting i'd sort something, fe kit maybe they're cheap enough.
ordered a load of equipment yday

- seachem flourish excel
- lcd digi thermometer
- hydor koralia nano 900 powerhead
- aps small external filter 150 l/h (hopefully this is enough filtration)
- 1 x sumatra driftwood
- 1 x stainless steel fluval curved tweezers
- 1 bag caribsea eco complete substrate
- tetra aquasafe

already have

- 50w fluval heater
- some seiryu stone
- tpn+

picking up the tank saturday hopefully..
Be careful with the digital thermometer, a lot of them require frequent calibration to keep them accurate.
got everything i need except the substrate and water conditioner, thats the 2nd time ive tried and the 2nd time theyve let me down.
picked up the tank today even came with a glass lid i wasnt expecting (which i just sat on by accident and shattered into pieces :angry: )


just need the substrate from seapets and i can order my plants
DIY CO2 isn't sufficient for one of these set ups, nor is excel, you need pressurised CO2, even with just one tube running.

I have a 60l with 48W of T5 HO that isn't using CO2. All depends on the system.

On my system, I have ADA Amazonia if that makes any difference? It might.

It's nice little system at any rate. Good find. Look forward to seeing it planted up.

Do you have a journal Lj? I'd love to read it, is your lighting high up in suspension from the tank? What's your photo period like?
The link to my journal is in my signature. "Refugees from Endor"

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