Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

Oh *!** why the picture??!!! I have serious heebey-jeebeys after that spider pic!
Sciatica- I hear ya Micko. It's driving me cray too. Don't think anything works.
You and my friend Sep, who's scared of spiders even illustrated ones or even the scissor spiders that some dude made.
Arachnophobia is pretty odd.
I only really fear death itself.
Arachniphia :scream: I've got it :( really my only fear though. I hated that spider pic!!! It looks to have wayyyyy more than 8 legs.
Well, okay, centipedes gross me out too. And silverfish. But they don't actually scare me. Is there a difference between being scared and freaked out??

And, I used to live in San Antonio where we had those lizards. We also had cockroaches and South American cockroaches, the kind that are about 3 inches long and FLY!! Gaaaaahhhhh!!! Scared the crap out of my cat!
Well, okay, centipedes gross me out too. And silverfish. But they don't actually scare me. Is there a difference between being scared and freaked out??

And, I used to live in San Antonio where we had those lizards. We also had cockroaches and South American cockroaches, the kind that are about 3 inches long and FLY!! Gaaaaahhhhh!!! Scared the crap out of my cat!
I like silverfish. Pretty fast critters though.
I think there is a difference: scared would be like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It's a spider!" as opposed to "Dude, that spider gives me shivers down my spine. Interesting critter though..."

I like lizards, we have common green ones here. My grandma experienced an invasion of those and my cousin almost had one jump on her from the house's roof while she was washing her hands at the sink in the garden. LOL! I was studying pretty much every lizard I could find there, I am fascinated by cold-blooded creatures.

Cockroaches - they are marching the streets here in huge numbers at night. It's like they're planning an attack on humans or something. It's kind of a grim scene, imagine the 3 inch critters the size of a 5+ foot human... Now imagine those as an army. o_O
And they sometimes fly. I barely leave the bathroom window open, and they decide to fly right in. -.- I do not want another invasion like back in 2008 and 2009... I had to manually take actions, as Killtox will not kill them, but it sure gave me a lot of coughs at night cause my mom just had to freaking spray it under my bed...
People who accuse you of doing something you haven't done, even if you have proof you didn't do it!
Little House gecko. I event think they are called house Geckos. This one obligingly eating a spider.




They are cute and small and don't hurt anything but the pests in the house. However, like I said, they drop their tails if you frighten them too badly and then the tails continue to move on their own for awhile. poor things. {the tails grow back}

I always pick them up to creep out my husband :p
Aww! I could use one of those Geckos in granny's house. It's INFESTED with all kinds of bugs!
Oh, I just had a cool idea:
A house where these lizards would roam everywhere, eating the mosquitoes and spiders and stuff, and whenever people would enter it, they'd be like "O_O Did I just see a bunch of lizards crawling over your wall?". LOL... I'd probably get even less visits than I already do. But well worth the investment if it takes care of the pest insects.
I usually pop the larger ones outside on a magazine page, but the babies I leave alone because they will certainly lose their tail, it's said to see them all tail-less.

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