any betta breeders out there?

bkk_group said:
Itty Bitty Betta said:
bkk_group said:
i breed all types of bettas (in fact, my crown-tails just had kids ;) ..passes out cigars).
I wouldn't mind if you passed out those betta frys, either! :)
yah, gives me something to obsess over seeing as i'm still waiting on the promised wild style imbellis :/
turns out there is a breeder in oregon who breeds wild styles. my connection met her at the las vegas show and will order them from her...when she has time...
You lucky bastard!
Itty Bitty Betta said:
bkk_group said:
Itty Bitty Betta said:
bkk_group said:
i breed all types of bettas (in fact, my crown-tails just had kids ;) ..passes out cigars).
I wouldn't mind if you passed out those betta frys, either! :)
yah, gives me something to obsess over seeing as i'm still waiting on the promised wild style imbellis :/
turns out there is a breeder in oregon who breeds wild styles. my connection met her at the las vegas show and will order them from her...when she has time...
You lucky bastard!
it's the waiting part that sucks though..hey, i'll let you know who the breeder is when i find out, she might have a website you can look into..
bkk_group said:
hey, i'll let you know who the breeder is when i find out, she might have a website you can look into..
Ooo, ooo, me too! Pleasepleaseplease!

And congrats on your new babies!
I think fighting betta's is wrong, the way en the reason they fight in nature is a completely different thing as putting them together to fight for human amusement.
I know something about the traditional way the fighers are handeled and fought against each other. The people (most) that do this have respect for the fishes and that's something that I can respect, but I still think fighting your fish is wrong.

I breed these pretty fish too and love to see them flare and show off there pretty finnage but I would never ever put them against each other. Not only will the damaged fish have wounds that can become infected (especially without proper care and if the fish are seriously wounded and weakend) but they also do feel pain.
couldnt have sed it better my self.
Maybe he will do the human gene pool a favour and walk out in front of a bus in a weedy haze.
some kids on my old neighborhood used to fight bettas but i always discouraged it. wow you have posted a lot of this topic bean :rolleyes:
Hi all :)

Thank you for participating in this discussion in a respectful and intellectual manner. This is the way to make a forum like this function at its best. There is no topic we cannot explore and learn from if we discuss it like reasonable people.

Now that Itty Bitty Betta and bkk_group have had an opportunity to discuss the way fish have been fought, and given us an overview of the sport, I'd like to express a concern I have about it.

Please read this topic when you have finished reading and/or replying to this one:
I know that people have strong feelings about this topic, as do I, but I don't think that insulting this person has any purpose.
Ya know, if you people are so hell-bent on seeing bettas fight, why don't you just download some videos of it online? That way you can get your kicks and no bettas have to be hurt directly by you. I'm sure someone out there has made videos of their bettas fighting it out...all you have to do is look... :sad:
I used to have a Betta before he died, and I have to say that I would never have considered fighting him. Not only can't I stand to see suffering, I have a lot of respect for animla we have caged for our own pleasure of watching them swim around in the little tanks we dedicate so much time to looking after. Thats my 2 cents.
Arashi said:
Ya know, if you people are so hell-bent on seeing bettas fight, why don't you just download some videos of it online? That way you can get your kicks and no bettas have to be hurt directly by you. I'm sure someone out there has made videos of their bettas fighting it out...all you have to do is look... :sad:
ive been looking! i wanna see some vids first, diffentantly

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