any betta breeders out there?

I don't see where thai culture and fighting fish be/c of boredom have anything to do with each other....
Theemon, why don't you get a divided tank, or divide up one of your own. Then you can watch the bettas flare at each other without anyone getting hurt. :D The divisions should be at least 1g, preferably 2g. An ordinary veiltail betta is not that expensive, but can be very pretty colourwise. If you bought a pair maybe you could try breeding them yourself. It's not difficult, just research thouroughly before you start. :D (and be prepared for a lot of work)
EX-AmP said:
can bettas be overstressed by being next to each other?
No, unless one is unusually dominant and the other is unusually scared. In about a week or two they will stop flaring because they will have grown accustomed to each other and learn that there is some sort of barrier between them. That's why I card all my fighters.
QUOTE (EX-AmP @ May 14 2004, 08:56 AM)
can bettas be overstressed by being next to each other?

No, unless one is unusually dominant and the other is unusually scared. In about a week or two they will stop flaring because they will have grown accustomed to each other and learn that there is some sort of barrier between them. That's why I card all my fighters.

If you don't want them to get stressed but also don't want them to get used to eachother and never flare get a male and a female and put them next to eachother. Then you'll see some major action!
when i was little i had two 3 gal tanks with a one crowntail betta in each of em. I didnt knwo much about them wen i was little except i thought they liked to live in smal places(dont blame me i was just little) so one day i took both betta tanks and put them right next to eachother. They just went crazy! they started raming into the glass and swiming up and down. i immediatly took them apart. gee i learnt my lesson just putting my tanks next to eachother. i hope the ppl out there learn there lesson just putting bettas in the same tank for half a second
EX-AmP said:
when you say card, do you mean you isolate them? interesting...
Place a thick sheet of paper between the containers so they can't see each other.

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