Itty Bitty Betta said:Would you people stop flaming him? Unless you are illiterate, you can very well see that he is new to this fighter breed. You are not helping him increase his knowledge by taunting and flaming.
Fighters are only fought ONCE - win or lose.
Before they fight they are conditioned for a couple of weeks.
In countries where they are fought, many times the winner is let back into the wild from where he was found and the loser is kept as a family pet.
There is nothing wrong with a little sparring - note sparring, not fighting
exactly, and if you guys would calm the hell down and stop flaming it might make a difference... and if youd read some of my posts i said i havent fully researched this yet, so gimme a couple of weeks to properly do that, 1 night of researching this has given me the info i know now, like what he said over in korea n places like that they fight them once then let them go... 1 wins 1 loses but they both live, i dont want them to die i just wanna see a little aggresion... ill look into sparring tomarrow(i didnt see anything about that last time i looked) it might be a interesting alternative...
and as for my cichlids dudes whoever put them down stfu, i love my pretty mbunas, and yes i thought that when they got older i could feed them feeder fish(stupid lfs) but i guess they wont eat them
and about the weed, stfu about that too... if you dont know what your talking about dont open your mouth(or your fingers