any betta breeders out there?

Itty Bitty Betta said:
Would you people stop flaming him? Unless you are illiterate, you can very well see that he is new to this fighter breed. You are not helping him increase his knowledge by taunting and flaming.

Fighters are only fought ONCE - win or lose.
Before they fight they are conditioned for a couple of weeks.
In countries where they are fought, many times the winner is let back into the wild from where he was found and the loser is kept as a family pet.

There is nothing wrong with a little sparring - note sparring, not fighting

exactly, and if you guys would calm the hell down and stop flaming it might make a difference... and if youd read some of my posts i said i havent fully researched this yet, so gimme a couple of weeks to properly do that, 1 night of researching this has given me the info i know now, like what he said over in korea n places like that they fight them once then let them go... 1 wins 1 loses but they both live, i dont want them to die i just wanna see a little aggresion... ill look into sparring tomarrow(i didnt see anything about that last time i looked) it might be a interesting alternative...

and as for my cichlids dudes whoever put them down stfu, i love my pretty mbunas, and yes i thought that when they got older i could feed them feeder fish(stupid lfs) but i guess they wont eat them :( i dont wanna harm the animals i just wanna see some natueral aggresion...

and about the weed, stfu about that too... if you dont know what your talking about dont open your mouth(or your fingers :kana: )
i havent spoken up because i was at school then i was sleeping, i just made this thread less then 24hrs ago dude give ppl time to respond
"also dude"

First off, I'm not a dude!

"you dont know me or anything about me"

I don't need to know you, I responded to your post, nothing more, you came to a forum that loves their fish as pets, not sport and you expected any other reaction?

"im not gonna treat these like ####"

by putting them in a small tank, with no place to get away and forcing them to fight (and they do fight to the death), IS treating them like ####.

"if you dont like it dont sell me any fry, others will"

Well I think you've found nobody here will give/sell you any fry.

"you act like because i want my fish to do what theyve done in the wild forever in a small tank is wrong

Yes it is wrong, in the wild they can get away, in a small tank THEY CAN NOT! In the wild they do it to decide who the stronger fish is and gets the right to mate with the female, in the wild this is necessary to keep the species properly propogating, what you want to do is for nothing more than to entertain you. Fighting for sport is NOT the same thing as them fighting in nature and don't try to fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

"yeah i know it sounds bad to fight them but dont knock it till you try it "

Hmm, if someone says to jump off a cliff and to not knock it till I try it...should I? There are some things I know without trying that it's not the right thing to do, it's called COMMON SENSE!

I don't think there's anything wrong with feeding fish live food as a part of a well balanced, varied diet, and I don't think that there is anything wrong with enjoying watching them eat. When I met my husband he had a piranha that was very well cared for and he enjoyed watching him eat. I see nothing wrong with that.
What is wrong is placing a fish in a situation that has nothing to do with the food chain and forcing them to fight. Female Bettas fighting in a pecking order is a natural behavior in a grow out tank. Placing two mature males in an environment where they have no other choice is wrong and definately not natural.
I for one could never give up a betta (or dog or cock or any animal) I loved just to have it fight. I think it's cruel and sick, and it angers me beyond all reason. The poor creatures are put into a situation that they have no control over. Most of the animals are seriously hurt, but more often, only one leaves the fight alive. And to think that people actually make bets and urge these animals on to the point that they kill each other, makes me lose a lot of respect for the human race.

This is all I'm going to say on the topic, because I really don't want to say something I'm going to get into trouble for... :grr:
yah, i saw where this was leading to days ago..i've been trying to word something along the lines of what itty said already but i had to go change water in the juvenile jars ;) people have strong opinions of this subject and i don't mind that, everyone is welcome to feel however they want. i have said many times before that i don't fight my bettas or breed them to fight..he asked me in another post if i would sell him some plakats with the assurance that he wouldn't fight them. in retrospect i should have worded my response better than i did (it was late at night and i was tired). i said i didn't have a problem selling him plakat to fight. i should have said i wouldn't have a problem selling him plakats to breed. my fish are from unknown stock and fighting them would be a no win situation, if you were to breed them though, eventually you might come up with something worth putting in a ring..maybe. i respect bettas greatly as some of you might know but i also respect where they come from, their history is so interesting if you are openminded enough to research what plakat fighting in thailand is all about. if you were to look into it you would find out more about species of betta like imbellis (the southern fighter), inhabitant of southern thailand, splendens (the root of all present day show bettas) and the prime fighter of mid thailand, or even smaragdina (the jewel of the north) bred in northern thailand. these three types of wild betta were all bred for fighting originally, from them evolved the fancy long tails right up to your halfmoons, crowntails etc etc. modern betta breeders have learned so much about caring for and treating bettas from these early pioneers who passed down their secrets from generation to generation that it's worth looking into if you care at all about keeping bettas. sure modern medicine seems to have a cure for every new illness that affects our fish but one day antibiotics will stop working, wouldn't it be better to know a bit about natural remedys like indian almond leaf just in case? even the training methods that strengthen their fighters we could maybe learn a thing or two about. it's all how you look at it. i know that breeders (and the people who use them in fights) in thailand and vietnam and laos and malaysia treat their fish like gods, every effort is made to train and strengthen their fish for the day when they go into the ring. scales are hardened, fighting styles are analyized and stamina is built up. no one would match a fish up without knowing that the fight was evenly matched, the amounts of money involved discourage stupidity. fish are fought once and the winner will be bred again the long process of choosing a sucessor will begin again. deaths in the ring are rare and fights are stopped when one fish loses his will to fight. even the losers are treated with respect, often they will be kept as pets or given to friends, or even let go back into the wild. injuries are of course treated promptly.
anyways, i won't change how anyone feels about this subject and i respect their views, just don't go off on a tangent without knowing the facts.
first of all who said anything about a small tank, i have a 40gal and a 10gal...

2nd the comment about you not knowing me was referred to why i smoke weed or why i would like to see them fight...

AND keep it to fighting bettas only or ill not reply, im got geting into a retarded flame war because my views of life are different then yours

also sorrell, i orginally wanted to get piranha but i dont have the space/enviornment for them now, +there ugly, i like pretty fish :p
bkk, first you gotta tell these ppl i asked for females(sence you wont let me fight them) so i could breed w/ my fighters, and i told you i wouldnt fight the females...

2nd as i have said before i dont want them to die :)
I think that my main concern coming from this is that with anything that a person enjoys, how do you have the self-discipline to stop before a fish gets seriously injured? If you decide to sparr, the control and power is entirely on you. It's not like you'll have a little fishy referee to say which hits are below the belt. Tred softly my friend...

Also, I don't think smoking weed has anything whatsoever to do with this. I'd be really defensive if I asked a question and got a response that said, "No you can't do that and BTW brunettes are retarded"
You brought up the comment of "a small tank" is your quote:

"you act like because i want my fish to do what theyve done in the wild forever in a small tank is wrong"

I didn't say anything about your pot smoking (that's not what this forum is for, so not a topic I will respond to), so I guess that was referred to someone else, guess you need to state who you're responding to now since so many have gotten involved :)

My whole point of my first post was this was the wrong place to bring a request like that, I had no doubt the reaction you would get, too bad you couldn't see that before posting. Of course it has been entertaining reading, hehe

and about the weed, stfu about that too... if you dont know what your talking about dont open your mouth(or your fingers )

Ok the two people who flamed you for smoking weed also appoligized... you should read ALL the posts.

I'm tired of people continuing to say this is the friendliest forum around I then you try to be nice and calm and you get nothing but disrespect back. I appologized because I knew what I said was wrong and then I get told to shut the F up? Makes no sense to me.

Unless you want to explain your life story I don't think anyone is going to "know you" we are simply responding to what we have heard from you so far and draw our conclusions from that.
well sorry, its kinda hard to read all the posts when theres 6 ppl in this thread posting, and ill try to direct my responces better next time ok?

btw say what needs said kuz i gtg in a like 20mins
*sigh* After reading a few of the new comments here, I have something to say.

Theemon, I did not say anything to you or about you personally, and so if you did take it personally, I apologize. I'm not out to make any enemies here on this forum. I just feel very strongly about this subject. I just don't like to see animals fight in captivity, even if thats what they were bred for in the wild.

Thats all for now.
bkk_group said:
yah, i saw where this was leading to days ago..i've been trying to word something along the lies of what itty said already but i had to go change water in the juvenile jars ;)
I lied?????!?!?!?!? :huh:

bkk. i dont think he is a profesional hoo does it for sport. He cant let the betta back into thew wild becuz he doesnt live in thailand. And Theemon it doesnt matter the size of ur tank the betta will still get to the other one. ur 40 gal im sure isnt as big as a lake in thailand.

this is ment to be a friendly forum but also a fish lovers forum. in the banners i see Fish forever. So im sorry if i flame at you but ur not ment to do it. its cruel, harsh, unfair.

P.S : even us tough Aussies (who love fights where i come from)wouldnt even fight bettas. we'd rather watch a game of footy.

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