Angel Eggs

I can always bring up more fry though.. :good:
Show off :rolleyes: :lol:
I am still try to get a pair from the 3 I got. Then again, if I get spawn from them right now, I probably not quite ready yet. Not to mention I am raising Panda Corys since November non-stop. And finally start to get some eggs from Sterbai Corys. Also I better split the tank of Cherry Shrimps soon, it seems there are many tiny shrimps lurking around in the thicket of plants.
So maybe it is best that they haven't lay eggs yet. But eventually, I would like to raise some Angelfish. We'll see when it's gonna be.
:angel: :fish:
More pictures ..some new ones I took tonight.. :S :snap:
At 7 weeks and 1 day old now.... :hyper:

Feeding time again....




Thanks for looking Xx :good:
More pictures ..some new ones I took tonight.. :S :snap:
At 7 weeks and 1 day old now.... :hyper:

Feeding time again....




Thanks for looking Xx :good:


Great job raising those angels and thanks for suppling some info on raising fry. I just had my first angelfish spawn today. I hope i will have some babies survive as well. I only have 2 angelfish that i bought the beginning of January. I got lucky finding a pair obviously.

They look nice and cute. It is interesting to see that it seems all the babies have marble or caliko or whatever the marking they call but there are no gold babies. As I remember correctly, you have a gold and a marble/caliko(I never know the difference but you know what I mean) for parents. I guess gold is not dominant gene.
I would be very much interest to see what kind of babies I would get if and when my 3 gold pearlscale looking Angels pair up. Simple guess would be they would be just like parents but the frys might inherit some hidden traits(color, marking whatever)

Yes, you are a lucky guy. I, too obtained the Angels in January for first time. And I am curious what size and how old(if you know) did they spawn? I hope your Angels do right and you can have babies. I don't mean to rain on your parade but I heard first few spawn sometime doesn't go right. But I also heard that they would spawn regularly even first few spawn doesn't go right. Some say, that is like learning experience for them and take few try for them to get it right. Anyway, good luck with your spawn. Hopefully, I get compatible pair out of 3 soon also.
Good luck with your angels aquamike :good: ..Are your angels in a community tank? Is there gravel on the bottom? :)
Heather xx

Yeah neoncory the male is a gold and female is stripey..



There are a few that look as though they may have more gold on them..But mostly they have black markings.. :hyper: X
Good luck with your angels aquamike :good: ..Are your angels in a community tank? Is there gravel on the bottom? :)
Heather xx


Yes, my pair of angels are in a 135 gallon community tank with 5 sterbia corys, 7 glowlight tetras and 1 gold nugget pleco. Gravel is in the tank and this tank is heavily planted with artificial plants. They spawned on the filter intake tube.

This is their first spawn. I believe something went wrong with their eggs today. Over half are missing and the remaining ones doesn't look like they are in good condition. They seem to be looking over them as if they are trying to take care of them. No other fish can get near them.

I guess it will take a few spawns before they get good at it. Even if this batch of eggs hatched i don't think they would have made it. They would have probably got sucked up the filter tube as they dropped off of the that tube.

Yeah if you were planning on breeding them and having the parents raise the fry you would have to move them into their own tank , with no gravel in it.. Or if you want to raise fry yourself you would have to remove the eggs..Or as I done I waited until the fry were free swimmers and syphoned some out :good: ..And had the baby brine shrimp ready to feed them.. :shout:
My angels are always spawning every 2 weeks or so and they are in a community tank but they never have any sucsess with the fry, once they are free swimming the other fish eat them :angry:
When you see them looking over the eggs they will be fanning them and making sure none fall off,If they get to the wriggling stage you will see the parents catch the babies in their mouths and spit them back out where they are supposed to be..Which is kinda cute. :wub: At first I thought they were eating them :crazy: :lol:
Anyway I wish you luck with them and you can keep me updated on them..xx :good:

Are you ready to raise some baby brothers and sisters for them yet? I'm curious that if you got any other spawn from them after you were raising your picture models. Just a thought.
nope neoncory no more fry yet..I will have to wait until I get the batch away that I have the now.. :shout: I gave the first one away yesterday (the biggest one) :( I know it will be well looked after though :hyper:

The parents have another batch of wrigglers the now..xx
Just to let you know that minw ate the second batch... But... She looks fat again! And this time I've set up my baby tank with mini filter/air stone, heater, no gravel etc. and put a slate up against the back of the tank near the filter in the hope that they'll lay on this instead of the filter (choice spot it seems!) so I can transfer them to their special tank...

Fingers crossed!

On another note - I'm not sure my filter is working as well as it should. As I'm new to this I'm going to post a new thread asking for advice, but if any of you have advice please let me know!

Are you gonna give all away or keep some for yourself? Because now I am curious what do they look if one of your babies pair up and get babies. Are they all look like the parents. Or get 50% look like parents and another 25% look like gold and another 25% look like more stripe and dark marking dominated color.
It probably take another year or 1 1/2 years to find out but maybe one of your foster family can answer the question if you don't keep any to be adult and pair up, I guess.

For now, I guess you have to get more tanks :shifty: so the wigglers will not become live food. You just have to, don't you think? I really think you have to convince your parents, boyfriend, husband, landlord whoever it may to get MORE TANKS. So you can save the world, I mean world of Angel wigglers.
Yeah I thimk im gona give them all away neoncory.. :shout: If I had the money and space im sure I would have alot more tanks but sadly I dont :rolleyes:
The wrigglers I have the now will be getting left with the parents..If I took the babies away every time they spawned I would have millions.. :eek:
The babies I have the now all look different..none really have the same markings as the parents..but they have the same colours as the parents :good: xx
Yeah I thimk im gona give them all away neoncory.. :shout: If I had the money and space im sure I would have alot more tanks but sadly I dont :rolleyes:
The wrigglers I have the now will be getting left with the parents..If I took the babies away every time they spawned I would have millions.. :eek:

Oh common Heather, you can have money. As a matter of fact lots of it. If you only grow those million babies and sell for say pound a fish. You would have million pounds! :hyper: I don't know about where you live but here in U.S, you can find used tank cheap. Heck quite often, people give it away for free. I usually buy some used tank and lights at thriftstore, garage/estate sale, flea market.,etc.
And not long ago, I made the stand which should hold 30G on top and 3 x 10G on the lower part out of recycled lumber.
And space, you can always replace TV with 30G tank, put few 10G on the kitchen counter instead of microwave and some spice rack, put another 5G or 10G in the bathroom counter instead of all the makeup and hair care products, put another 20L on the top of the dresser. The possibility are endless. ;)
I'm just not talking. I do have 2 x 10G in my room, 5 + 10 + 20G in the living room and 3G in the kitchen counter. And thinking to add 20G in my room, 55G and 30G in th living room(I need to build canopy and get some heater etc), also thinking to add 5G in the bathroom.
You can join us and be like many of us with MTS(multiple tanks syndrome). ^_^ It ain't so bad, I promise. :hey: More fish. :yahoo:

The babies I have the now all look different..none really have the same markings as the parents..but they have the same colours as the parents :good: xx
Interesting. Maybe that is how the Koi or Caliko or Marble were developed. I wonder if it makes any difference if your Angel parents color/marking is reversed, I wonder. Female looks like male and male looks like female.
You sure have alot of tanks.. :nod: I dont think I will be getting a new tank for a while anyway..I am planning on getting a new house soon so I couldnt imagine moving loads and loads of tanks never mind furniture... :crazy:
For the time being I will stick with what I have..xx :good:
You sure have alot of tanks.. :nod: I dont think I will be getting a new tank for a while anyway..I am planning on getting a new house soon so I couldnt imagine moving loads and loads of tanks never mind furniture... :crazy:
For the time being I will stick with what I have..xx :good:

Yeah, I guess. But I wish I have a house big enough to have fish room. Then we are talking.
Hopefully, that's what you gonna do after you get a new house. ^_^
:fish: :fish: more :fish:

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