Angel Eggs

So I am curious what exactly did you do? When you were wondering about what to do about almost hatched eggs and parents in the community tank.
Did you get the new tank and move the other fish?
Did you move the eggs and hatched in other container?
Did you move the eggs and parents?

I need to know. Since it might happen to me that I just adopt some young Angels. So I have some knowledge of what to do when it happens. I hear they can grow pretty quick.
When the babies became free swimming I moved them to a tank which was already set up..On the prevoius spawn I didnt have a clue about what I was doing :unsure: ..But Iv learnt from then and this time I was able to have everything prepared..Also I had the bbs made up for them when they became free swimmers.. :fish:
Thanks for the answers, Heather.
Now I have more questions. :blush:
Did they(parents) get mad or irritated when you moved the free swimming frys?
Did you move them with turkey buster or something?
How many were they and how many now?
And what size tank container you have them in now?

Sorry for the all the questions but it may happen to me someday. Since I like my fish happy and healthy.
:fish: :fish: :fish: and more :fish:
The parents got a little mad I think :angry: but I didnt take all the babies just some..I syphoned them up with a hose ..Gently.. I had a 10 gallon set up for them..I had around 30 to start with and I now have 26.. :good: xx

The parents got a little mad I think :angry: but I didnt take all the babies just some..I syphoned them up with a hose ..Gently.. I had a 10 gallon set up for them..I had around 30 to start with and I now have 26.. :good: xx
Wow thats great, how big are the parents and how long have you had them. Im SOOOOOOO jealous. lol :good:
Heather, thanks again for the answers.
You know I have to keep ask you questions as long as you answer 'em. lol
So you left some frys with the parents. How are they doing? Are there any still alive or did they get eaten? How many eggs did they lay anyway?
I am still curious. Because I've been reading about Angel and breeding and such. And one person was talking about it may need 200G of tank space for up to 400~600 frys which I don't think I can fit in my place Safely. So it maybe best to do like you did(keep some and let the nature take care of the rest) when the time comes. Since this is the first time I am keeping them. I got 3 gold pearlscales I think. I got them for $3(since nobody else bid for it) at my local aquarium society meeting in January. 1 is about dollar coin size and the other 2 are half dollar size. I have them in 10G with 3 hatchet fish for now. I have empty 29G which I need to set up soon. And probably move my 20GHigh community to there and move the Angels to 20H. Of course, I need to build some stand for it.(project) I also have 55G empty new tank which I am planning to make the build-in background and substrate out of stylaform and concreate.(another project). Also it needs canopy with custom lighting since I don't want to spend several hundred$ for it. (another project). And I bought some cerry red shrimp and they should be here next week.(which new to me and hopefully I can keep them well) I got many Panda Cory frys I have been raising and got some fry from Neon tetras and I would like to get some fry from Sterbai and Diamond Tetras also. So I got lots of project happening.
And in between I have to work for living. Just not enough time. Oh enough about me. I hope I can finish most if not all projects before I get eggs from my Angels. Who knows I might have all same sex = no eggs. Whatever the odd of 3 having same sex. But I just want to be prepare as much as I can. So I appreciate you taking time for me to answer.
Jakester the parents are big lol.. :lol: I couldnt give you an actuall size..Iv had my female for 2 year nearly and iv had the male around 6-7 month..When I got the male he was tiny :wub: ..He is now the same size as my female he grew so quick xx

Neoncory the fry that I left with the parents didnt survive as they are in a community tank :( ..They lay loads and loads of eggs its just that they are that small :hyper: when you see them you dont think there is many..Same here with space I live in a flat and dont really have room for massive tanks even though I would love one or two :rolleyes: Thats why I only took a small amount of babies from the parents..You certainly have alot on what with work and fish tanks :zz xx
Hi Heather,
Thanks for the answers AGAIN. I could come up more but I let you go for now. Of course, we would like to see the visual update if you could find the time to do that. It has been almost a week. I bet they grow quite a bit. We'll hold our breath until you post the pics. :sick: So please be hurry. bye
:fish: :fish: many tiny :fish:
Here is another picture of them..Think I have already posted this pic on here somewhere.. :shout:

You are right, Heather. :blush: Those are not same pictures. I stand corrected. They do seem widen their body a little. It seems getting to Angel/Discus flat shape. Please keep up the picture update for us. Would be interesting to see what marking you gonna get. Since your parents have 2 different color/markings(I saw at another thread).

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