Angel Eggs

Is it a time to post the update pictures of your babies yet, Heather? We wanna see some pictures, well at least I do. Really curious about the color/mark development. I am waiting. :sick:
Here are some updated pictures..they are 5 weeks and 2 days now..


This is the biggest one out of the lot..You can see that it has some gold and black on it...


Some of them have little black stripes ..They are so cute I wish I had room to keep them all :wub:

They are hard to take pictures of as they are always moving..Xx
Just wanted to say they are so cute and I really hope mine grow like yours! ^_^
They will be going to their new home soon..Once they get a bit bigger.. :unsure:

Thanks lol...Im sure yours will grow big and fat just like mine :lol: Shouldnt be long until your wrigglers are free swimmers then eh ? x
Well about time you share the baby pictures with us, Heather. :thumbs: You are suppose to show them off like proud parents. Men they grew! Now you can tell that they are indeed the angelfish and todpole no more. They got nice stomechs and big eyes.
What have you been feeding them? It would be nice if you can post the tank set up details like water parameter(temp, ph., etc), feeding and water change frequency. So the person after you can learn from your experience.
Also how'sthe parents? Are they ready for another batch of eggs yet? I hear some Angels could produce eggs every 3~4 weeks.
Anyway, thanks for the pictures. They look nice and healthy. We will looking forward to see the next pictures. :angel: :fish:
:( Oh dear... It's all over...

Don't know what happened for sure... They moved the eggs from the filter to a ledge next to it, on a reefy ornament... When I noticed it I thought it might be a bit blowy becuase it was near the pump... But they looked ok... This was in the evening... Next morning they were all but gone... Maybe it was too blowy, maybe they ate them, I don't know... The female was fretting a little bit at the bottom of the tank... Very disappointed...

Still, I know to remove them next time, and hopefully the next time will be soon. And I will be better prepared and know what to do :nod:
Sorry to hear that lol..They will spawn again soon..They may eat the eggs 2 or 3 times before they get the hang of it :crazy:
Kpintheshed I fed them baby brine shrimp for the first four weeks..Now they eat crushed flake food and I have also tryed them with frozen blood worms which they enjoyed. :good:
Yeah Olly you should try breeding them even if you just breed once, cause its a good feeling watching them grow and take colour.. :good: xx
My angels are on their second batch of fry (first lot were eaten as I didn't move the platys quick enough), and I'm trying to hatch bbs in a in tank hatchery but I don't seem to get anything.
Maybe I've got too much or too little air, I don't know.

Anyway, Heather are you using this type of thing and do you reuse the water in the thingy (technical term :rolleyes: ) and how are you managing to get three feeds a day out of it.
It says 24-48 hour hatching time.

So far I've strained the hatchery water through a very thin net and given it a shake in the tank, but I don't know if there is anything there :unsure:

I used a 2 litre plastic bottle to make mine..Quite simple really..Have you enough heat getting to the bbs? I sat mine beside my heater,which seemed to be okay..How did your bbs look after 24 hours? If there was an orangey/browny layer at the bottom this means that alot of them wernt fertilized.. :crazy: I made a few batches and froze alot of them (I read on a angelfish forum that this was fine to do) :good:
It seems to have done the trick anyway as the babies are now 5 weeks and 5 days old..and getting bigger and fatter :lol: ..They are eating crushed flake now and can manage the odd bloodworm which they seem to enjoy..They will be going to their new homes once they get a bit bigger..Hope I was a help to you.. :)
Heather xx
Making a bbs hatchery from a 2 liter bottle is probably the most common way. Take an old bottle & cap, and cut it so the bottom is about 1/3, the top 2/3. Using the bottom for a base invert the top 2/3 and insert it into the bottom. You now need an air source, a light source, and a way to keep the hatchery at 80 to 82F. Often the light source provides heat as well, if you have a desk lamp and a wooden crate you have all you need.

Don't forget to add epsom salt or baking soda to increase hardness and/or pH. Unless you have hard water with a high pH just salt will give you a poor hatching percentage.

Here's a link to my hatchery;

I do my bbs hatchery once a day, in the evening. Many times work prevents me from hatching every 12 hours with 2 jars. I pull out the air line, and let it settle for about 10 minutes with a light shining on the bottom. I siphon the bbs from the bottom using a turkey baster.

In the evening, I feed them fresh from the hatchery, and put the rest, along with brine water, into an old 1 pint sour cream container with a hole cut in the top. (That sour cream expired in 2002, I was just laughing at it earlier.) The container goes into the fridge, I feed from that in the morning & after work. The excess gets fed to older angels, corys & bristlenose at the end of the day. The container & air line get rinsed, and the container gets filled with fresh water, salt, a couple drops of dechlor, and baking soda. I then add the bbs & give it a good stir.

I guess the cold slows the metabolism of the bbs enough to preserve the yolk sack, but doesn't doesn't kill them. That method has been working for a few years now.

To drain & rinse I have a large cup that I rubberband a paper coffee filter to. I take what I need from the hatchery or refigerated container, let it drain, then rinse with fresh water. I then walk around the fishroom squirting it in tanks with an eyedropper.

Don't waste money on aquarium salt, go to a farm supply store & get livestock salt. 50 pounds is a couple of bucks, and lasts for years. Get a stainless steel nut from the hardware store & attach it to the end of the air line to keep it in the bottom. Giving the bbs a good stir a couple times daily helps as well.

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