Angel Eggs

Yeah maybe one day i will have a room for only fish..Well thats all my angel babies away..they went yesterday.. :/ Was sad to see them go..But in their place I have a betta..He is a gorgeous boy... :wub:
Here he is..

Well hopefully my baby angels will get good owners who will care for them properly.. :good:
Thanks everyone who replied on this topic..XX Heather
My two have wrigglers again :rolleyes:

I have two versions of bbs cultures going now.

One with the NT Labs hatcher in my PFK cube with it's own shell less stuff and salt

Two in a 2L coke bottle with an air line, Sea salt, bicarbonate of soda, and a tungsten lamp on all last night

Hopefully one of them will give me bbs.
It will have been 24 hours at 9.00pm to night.

The reason I didn't see this lot of angel fry was 'cos the parents were moving them about :blink:

Hope you have good luck this time then Peter :good: What age do you think the fry are then ? Yeah mine do the same with their fry 1 day they are on the plant next day they are on a ornament..Its cute though..xx
Hope you have good luck this time then Peter :good: What age do you think the fry are then ? Yeah mine do the same with their fry 1 day they are on the plant next day they are on a ornament..Its cute though..xx

This is the first day they have been free swimming, so what would that be, about 3 days ?

3 days they are wrigglers..7 days they should be free swimmers Peter..Sounds as though your fry are 7 days old if they are free swimmers... :good:
Yeah kpintheshed they have spawned again ..I just let nature take its course this time.. The fry didnt last long cause they are in the community tank.. :unsure: If I had more space for tanks and more money to buy more tanks Im sure I would be raising fry all the time... :rolleyes: :good: xx

No problem Peter.. Do you have them in their own tank ? Is the parents with them ? :good: x
u could raise the angel fry then sell it to a fish shop that way u make money and every time u do it u could spend it on whatever u want
I would need to get a few big tanks first Kp ..Say 10 gallons or something around that size.. When I gave my angels away the other day they were 8 weeks old..I didnt think they looked big enough for their age..But the guy in the shop said they looked fine and healthy.. :good:
I would need to get a few big tanks first Kp ..Say 10 gallons or something around that size.. When I gave my angels away the other day they were 8 weeks old..I didnt think they looked big enough for their age..But the guy in the shop said they looked fine and healthy.. :good:
Oh so you took them to store. So you must got some credit or cash. Then you should got some fish money that you can spend on the fish stuff. :hyper:
No problem Peter.. Do you have them in their own tank ? Is the parents with them ? :good: x

They are in the same tank as their parents, who I thought were still too young and small to breed so it's a 60L that I use for quarantine and/or growing on :blink:

No that I can actually grow bbs, Im not sure how to keep them viable.

Tolak advises short term (24 hours) just popping them in the fridge, but longer term ( I don't know how long they would last ?) rinsing in fresh water and freezing them.

What's your recommendations ?

Many years ago I bred Angels. The eggs were taken and artificially hatched, yielding up to 800 babies
Wow algenco that sure is alot of babies..!! Did you enjoy breeding them? Do you still have angel fish? :good: x

Peter I froze alot of bbs for my fry and they seemed fine..As from the pictures you can tell they were eating them... :good: So are you going to leave the babies with the parents once they become free swimmers? :fish:
Wow algenco that sure is alot of babies..!! Did you enjoy breeding them? Do you still have angel fish? :good: x

Peter I froze alot of bbs for my fry and they seemed fine..As from the pictures you can tell they were eating them... :good: So are you going to leave the babies with the parents once they become free swimmers? :fish:


I took a leaf out of your book and froze some bbs too.
What do you do to feed it later ?
Do you just let the bbs thaw on its own ?

I'm not sure when to take them away from their parents :unsure:


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