OK OK OK you guy's don't seem to get it. I want to keep the Aiptasia. The Zoes I have are just a few small polips I got them at my LFS for $3 there are only about 10 polips in all and they are scattered though the tank. I personally think the Aiptasia are kinda pretty. I want to see if they can be "taimed" in a small tank . It's not a true Nano It's just a 5 gallon I got at Wal-mart with a built in light. I only have 1 damsel 1 camel shrimp and a hermit crab in the tank along with a nice little rubble pile thats full of pods and worms and a huge chunk of LR. If the Aiptasia get out of hand they would be VERY easy to get at to give 'em a dose of Joe's Juice and get them under controll. I'm mostly concerned with my pods and worms and the few small serpent stars I've seen in the rubble pile . Do I have to worry about the Aipasia eating these??