Demm's 55g

omg it lives!!!

doesnt look all THAT bad

cant... cant... cant find xenia? I know like ten people who live in a 20 mile radius who are asking me or other people to take their xenia from them free! South Carolina and Illinois sure are different....
i need to try to figure out a way i can stack some more rock in there so i have more room for corals lol...or i should just get a bigger tank...but that means a new light and everything :(

what do you think i should put in the HOB fuge that i'm getting? i was gonna put some chaeto in there for sure, other then that i'm not sure.
i'm prolly gonna get a couple bottles of the copepods and pour it in there so they can start having se...umm reproducing, so my mandarin has food.
because i'm still a big chicken about the sump leaking or overflowing. i dont know how to set one up right, it's to confusing for me
hmm...i dont even know where to start, my tank isnt drilled so i know i'd need an overflow box, other then that i have no idea what kinda pumps to use, or where to put what pipes or anything like that.

they have these things at the LFS it's like a pro aquatics all in one sump kinda thing. comes with some bioballs and some flexible tubing and some foam of some sort...i've been thinking about that, but i guess it'd be better to just get another tank and do it that way...maybe a 10g or something...i dunno

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