Hello all.
well i havent updated since march. So i thought id take some before and after pictures. I havent really had time to take care of the tank the way ive been wanting to, so there is alot of hair algae and some cyano. but they are looking alot better now then they did a couple weeks ago. so i'm on the road to recovery. i think i might have to change the bulbs on my T5's since i've had them over a year. that might be some of the cause as well.
Not to much has really happened since march. everything grew. i moved to a new place back in sept, i lost my cleaner shrimp and my caggabe leather to the move. i almost lost my blenny, wrasse and royal gramma as well. i was taking the rocks out and putting them into a box lined with plastic and of course those dummy fish hid in the rock and i didnt know where they were. so i was already preparing for bad news, since i couldnt catch them bfore

tried for hours. so the tank was empty, all my rock in the boxes, and i start to walk away and i hear flapping one of the boxes. There were my poor fish, on the bottom of the box in a tiny puddle of water flapping around. so all 3 of them were saved, and they are still doing fine today! other then the cleaner shrimp and cabbage leather i havent had any other losses.
i did give away alot of corals to my friend cause they were really outgrowing my tank. my giving i mean fragging mostly. also almost all of my xenia is gone. ive grown to REALLY hate those things. i had no less then about 40-60 stalks of that crap lol. they keep growing back and there's no end to them!!!
anyways here are the pictures!
Astreo before:
Astreo after:
GSP/Green Slimer before:
GSP/Green Slimer after (half of what i kept other half went to friend):
green cap before:
green cap after (half of what i kept other half went to friend):
torch before:
torch after:
yellow stars before:
yellow stars after (this is only about 1/5 of what i kept, most went to friend)...by the way what is that white stuff on the base of it? seems to be all over the base. i have them on my GSP as well, they are both coming out and looking good??:
frogspawn before:
frogspawn after:
full tank before:
full tank after:
couple other random pics:
My beautiful aptasia that ive been battling with. i've sprayed it with vinegar. first time it didnt work, now its to smart for me. whenever i stick my hand in the tank its already gone. so its been growing and growing. ive tried to scoup it out but i dont know where the base of it is lol. its been wierd lately...seems like it's been eating itself?? crazy thing...or is it even an aptasia? it retracts like one.