Agresive Angelfish After Laying Eggs!


New Member
Jul 25, 2007
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:huh: My Dad said that we had to get some fish to eat the fry of the guppies because of in breading so we got 2 golden angelfish we've had them a month or so they've done their job but now they've laid some eggs!They've become really agresive and are pretending to nip the other fish.Dad brought a divider home and we've divided the tank.the eggs have started to go white but not cotten woolly is that good or bad?We've started to feed the eggs with liqui-fry is there anything else you recommend?
i don't know but apparently you feed them liqui-fry! :rolleyes:
You dont have to feed the eggs. You should feed liqui-fry after the fry are born. Also, it is normal for the angels to be aggressive, they are protecting their eggs. I think the best person to speak to for more info is Tolak. He breeds Angels. Maybe PM him. Good luck. :good:

Oh, welcome to the forum.
The angel fish are often brushing over the eggs are they fanning them?Is that a good sign?
They will be fanning them. they will do that constantly until they hatch. :good:
apparently Angel fish are peaceful even at breeding times, but angels are cichlids. Watch your small tank mates too cus they might get eaten sooner or later.
good luck
How can you tell when the eggs have hatched do they looked squished?
If the eggs turn white they are normally infertile, it can take 3-4 spawns before the angels work out what they are suppsoed to do.

I dont know why people think angels arent aggressive they can be very aggressive even when not breeding.

Liquifry doesnt feed eggs the original liquifry you put in a few days before hatching to encourage the growh of infusoria which the fry feed on rather than the fry eating the liquifry itself.

When the eggs have hatched you will get wrigglers little tadpoles stuick to the same surface as the eggs were the parents will pick them up clean them and them restick them to the glas from time to time, nothing to worry about. Very clear once an egg has hatched though.
Angels are aggressive while breeding. There is only ONE SA cichlid that I've ever heard of that isn't typically aggressive during spawning, and that is the Keyhole Cichlid...and even then I wouldn't guarantee it.
Angels are very aggressive when laying eggs. DOn'tg worry as long as they have room, no harm will come to the tankmates being chased away at all. They are not destructively aggressive at all. Also your eggs are dead. If they turn white they are all dead. When they are alive they are a brown color. And you don't feed them at all. They have no mouths when they are eggs. They aren't alive when they are eggs. It's just a waste of money and it dirties your tank. If any eggs are brown and do hatch, they will likely be eaten by the angels because a good 90 percent of angels will never raise fry to a sellable size, and even the few that do, will not suceed in raising them for a few trys. If you do want to feed them eventually, wait until the babies are free swimming, as they don't eat anything whatsoever until they are free swimming.
If the eggs turn white they are normally infertile, it can take 3-4 spawns before the angels work out what they are suppsoed to do.

I dont know why people think angels arent aggressive they can be very aggressive even when not breeding.

Liquifry doesnt feed eggs the original liquifry you put in a few days before hatching to encourage the growh of infusoria which the fry feed on rather than the fry eating the liquifry itself.

When the eggs have hatched you will get wrigglers little tadpoles stuick to the same surface as the eggs were the parents will pick them up clean them and them restick them to the glas from time to time, nothing to worry about. Very clear once an egg has hatched though.
Unfortunatly the angelfish have laid more than 4 times and still the eggs turn infertile! Do they turn a different colour whe they are fertile or do they just not go white? Also I need help my angel fish being really agressive at each other please help! Click Visit My other topic to help

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