Fish Fanatic
I had an experience with angel fry. Totally unintended. 2 angels in a large biorb - laid probably 150-200 eggs. Basically all hatched. Freaked out and bought some hikari first bites, grey up very fast. When they were big enough I gave 60 odd to a friend and another 50 I sold to a shop. Along the way I had fatalities and this was mainly due to them being sucked into the overflow at night and ending up on the filter floss. The angel fish parents were as parents should be. No eating of the eggs and looking after the fry. The breeding pair can’t be used in my main aquarium due to aggression, they swipe the other fish and kill them one by one so they will be on their way soon to a new home. I’ve warned the bloke who wants them to expect 100’s or fry and to put them in a tank by themselves. They are savages come breeding time.