Acting Strange...

I really hope Toby gets better, you have spent so much time and effort trying to help him.
If he doesnt he is a very rude fish indeed.
372xp said:
I really hope Toby gets better, you have spent so much time and effort trying to help him.
If he doesnt he is a very rude fish indeed.
me too! Right now I'm focusing on trying to get the tank cycled as fast as I can! I think if I can do that, Toby will get better. The tank water looks very clear. I just need to figure out how to get Nitrate in there! I have nitrate of 0 and ammonia .25!
Hey guys.. I'v been trying to take pictures of Toby. He finally moved into a visible spot but because of how low he is my camera can't focus... Anyway I took alright ones..


...He has some crazy lines on him....
This was Toby when I first bought him... It actually pains me to see how beautiful he was and then to see him like this..
Poor boy, those are stress stripes, I'd test the water again and do another water change. At this point, he's really not looking good so I would be inclined to try a 50% change now, and then check the levels, then do more again if needs be. Can I ask how many water changes you're doing daily, and are you checking the ammonia about an hour after each water change? The ammonia needs to be 0 ppm at all times, and this will probably mean doing 3 or more small changes a day. Always test his water again about an hour or so after you've changed it, and if there's still an ammonia reading, then do another change, and re test, water change, etc.

Really keeping my fingers crossed that he'll start to improve, you've tried so hard for this little guy.
Flute said:
Poor boy, those are stress stripes, I'd test the water again and do another water change. At this point, he's really not looking good so I would be inclined to try a 50% change now, and then check the levels, then do more again if needs be. Can I ask how many water changes you're doing daily, and are you checking the ammonia about an hour after each water change? The ammonia needs to be 0 ppm at all times, and this will probably mean doing 3 or more small changes a day. Always test his water again about an hour or so after you've changed it, and if there's still an ammonia reading, then do another change, and re test, water change, etc.

Really keeping my fingers crossed that he'll start to improve, you've tried so hard for this little guy.
I did a water change when I got home from school, and I just did another one now, but I added some water from my cycled tank instead... I didn't wait an hour before testing, so I'll test again in an hour, but it looks like my ammonia is still .25 and my Nitrite is still 0, but my Nitrate is looking to be 5!! I've been trying to do a water change once a day, but I can try for more.. but the only time on weekdays I can change it is when I get home from school...
Again, thank you so much for the help :'<
If you can get the heater lower in the aquarium water and then lower the water level it will help him get to the surface to breath i.e. he will not have to swim so far.  We are all hoping he gets better for you, you are trying your best and that is all you can do for him.  As I mentioned earlier though be aware the damage may have been done prior to you getting him.
Wishing you and Toby good luck.
RCA said:
If you can get the heater lower in the aquarium water and then lower the water level it will help him get to the surface to breath i.e. he will not have to swim so far.  We are all hoping he gets better for you, you are trying your best and that is all you can do for him.  As I mentioned earlier though be aware the damage may have been done prior to you getting him.
Wishing you and Toby good luck.
The heater isn't fully immersible so I would have to lower the water to get it closer to him, but wouldn't less water be bad for him? Also I have a plant in there, would it not like it's leaves sticking out of the water??
Thank you thank you thank you for the luck!
Ok, try upping the water changes to 3 a day, and as I said, test the water as often as you can. Once daily water change wont be enough to help him, I'm afraid.
Lower water level means it would be easier for him to get to the surface to breath. It will mean how ever that you'll have to keep an even sharper eye on the conditions- less water= ammonia builds up quicker. 
Flute said:
Ok, try upping the water changes to 3 a day, and as I said, test the water as often as you can. Once daily water change wont be enough to help him, I'm afraid.
Lower water level means it would be easier for him to get to the surface to breath. It will mean how ever that you'll have to keep an even sharper eye on the conditions- less water= ammonia builds up quicker. 
ehhh, I think I'm going to leave the water level where it is. And I'll try for 3 a day, but they will most likely be after school, around 3 pm
Spot on to what I was trying to help you with, which is as per Flute's response (thanks Flute), combining my post from 8th Feb (little and often) with the one earlier today. 
In respect to your plant no need to advise at present due to your plans. 
Hang in there we are all praying for you and Toby :)
Fair enough, but think about it this way- he'll have very little energy as it is, and he needs to be able to get to the surface. Lowering it would help him out- have you seen him go up for air recently?

At least his tank is very small, so water changes should be very quick and easy for you to do. I would do a water change as soon as you get in from school, test an hour later, smaller change, test, etc. I hate to sound pessamestic, but he is very sick and he will die unless the ammonia is lowered to 0ppm, and that could mean you doing more than 3 changes. Do a larger water change as late at night as possible before you go to bed. It's between the time you go to sleep and get back from school that is going to be hardest for him.
Flute said:
Fair enough, but think about it this way- he'll have very little energy as it is, and he needs to be able to get to the surface. Lowering it would help him out- have you seen him go up for air recently?

At least his tank is very small, so water changes should be very quick and easy for you to do. I would do a water change as soon as you get in from school, test an hour later, smaller change, test, etc. I hate to sound pessamestic, but he is very sick and he will die unless the ammonia is lowered to 0ppm, and that could mean you doing more than 3 changes. Do a larger water change as late at night as possible before you go to bed. It's between the time you go to sleep and get back from school that is going to be hardest for him.
I'll try my best :<  I haven't seen him come up for air at all.. But I don't understand one thing. If I am not feeding him (fouling up the water with food) and He doesn't create waste then how is there ammonia in the water?!
It wasn't a dig in any way, just wanted to make it clear that he's very poorly and that calls for more action. I'm not 100% sure on the biological side of things, but I think fish secrete ammonia through their gills and can do so even if not fed? I'm half a sleep right now, so you're best off googling to find out, sorry! ^^'
Flute said:
It wasn't a dig in any way, just wanted to make it clear that he's very poorly and that calls for more action. I'm not 100% sure on the biological side of things, but I think fish secrete ammonia through their gills and can do so even if not fed? I'm half a sleep right now, so you're best off googling to find out, sorry! ^^'
You are right! Fish produce ammonia even without feeding..

Ehh I'm starting to wonder if I should put Toby into a 1/2 gal bowl with water from my cycled tank? Until his tank cycled? But I know that thats a lot less water... I also have a breeder net I used for my fry, I could put Toby in that in the cycled tank, but I don't think that's a good idea... I think moving him would just hurt him more and the cycled tank is 2.5 gal as well..
Yes I think moving him to a new environment after already being so stressed wouldn't help the poor guy :( 
I really wish you the best of luck with your little dude! I'll be sure to hang around and help as much as I can.

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