Acting Strange...

372xp said:
Man! Thats not great news. Poor shrimp. I should move it out, at least your betta had a feed. Shrimp can live in fairly high temps and nasty water conditions, if the water in the tank was the cause of her demise then it may be your betta next. Can you not put him in with your guppy? They shouldnt fight my male lived with a guppy for a long time and got on fine, I dont know what a molly is so I couldnt comment on that. Just get him out that tank for now until it is stable and he is feeding.
Ehh.. I can't put him in with the guppy or molly fry... he will attack them.. He's aggressive.. I don;t think the tank is the problem I probably just stressed the poor shrimp out.. I'll do another water change and test the water. I bought the betta from a family owned pet shop, so I have no idea if I bought him sick or not..

betta fish said:
Hi, do you have a thermometer in the tank? if so could you tell me what it is reading? he does look very skinny and under stress if the water is not warm enough they will not eat.
The temperature is usually always at 84F
Is that the reading off a thermometer or just the dial on the heater as they can be off, also what is the flow like in the tank? high flows will also stress bettas, they prefer little to no flow, do you have a full tank shot? it looks quite bare, getting lots of plants in there and little caves will help the betta feel more secure
betta fish said:
Is that the reading off a thermometer or just the dial on the heater as they can be off, also what is the flow like in the tank? high flows will also stress bettas, they prefer little to no flow, do you have a full tank shot? it looks quite bare, getting lots of plants in there and little caves will help the betta feel more secure
He has a big hut he hangs out in a lot, I was thinking of getting him a plant but I'm going to buy a water testing kit or get the number readings from the petstore free testing, to see if I can add a plant at this time. It's from a thermometer strip, but the water feels warm.
Can you get hold of frozen brine shrimp with Garlic?  My boys love it almost as much as the live food, and the garlic is good for them too.  Of course defrost it before feeding.  I also occassionally give my boys chopped up mussels or prawns, just might get him tempted.  Of course remove any uneaten food so it does not foul the water, or have a clean up crew i.e. bottom feeders. 
I keep my boys around 80F plus and they all seem fairly active (apart from my old fellow), you may find he is a little too warm.
One of my boys was a fussy eater but eventually he got used to all things including his Hikari Betta Bio Gold, which he intially ignored!  I also put some small fish in with him as he is a "tail biter" i.e. chewed off his own tail.  Now he has something else to think about!
How big is the tank he is in?
Sorry to hear about the shrimp...
Good Luck with him.
RCA said:
Can you get hold of frozen brine shrimp with Garlic?  My boys love it almost as much as the live food, and the garlic is good for them too.  Of course defrost it before feeding.  I also occassionally give my boys chopped up mussels or prawns, just might get him tempted.  Of course remove any uneaten food so it does not foul the water, or have a clean up crew i.e. bottom feeders. 
I keep my boys around 80F plus and they all seem fairly active (apart from my old fellow), you may find he is a little too warm.
One of my boys was a fussy eater but eventually he got used to all things including his Hikari Betta Bio Gold, which he intially ignored!  I also put some small fish in with him as he is a "tail biter" i.e. chewed off his own tail.  Now he has something else to think about!
How big is the tank he is in?
Sorry to hear about the shrimp...
Good Luck with him.
I'm going to switch my thermometer with my other one because it seems more reliable. Anways, he's in a 2.5 gallon. I would love to get him a 5 Gal but I just can't do that right now... I removed the dead shrimp, but I think he ate some of it. Anyway my mother agreed to take me to the petstore tomorrow. What do you suggest I get him that is cheap but he will love? I was going to buy a water testing kit to keep an eye on Ammonia and nitrite.
Is there any food I can give him currently that I have in my house? I don't have any peas :'( But I do have some frozen shrimp.
If anyone wanted to see my tank.. I just put some things in it. Maybe they will excite him and make him less bored?

YamiHime said:
Anways, he's in a 2.5 gallon. I would love to get him a 5 Gal but I just can't do that right now... ..... What do you suggest I get him that is cheap but he will love? I was going to buy a water testing kit to keep an eye on Ammonia and nitrite.

Is there any food I can give him currently that I have in my house? I don't have any peas :'( But I do have some frozen shrimp.
Hi, the tank looks great with some things for him to explore, if you can get any floating (real) plants they like those and a silk or real plant with broad leaves as they like to chill out on them.  Bogwood is also good for Bettas, or if you can get them (usually on-line) Indian Almond Leaves, as these help provide him with the water he is used too.  I put my Almond Leaves on a food clip stuck to the back of the tank and I find my boys like to sit in the food clip and chill :)
Be careful with shells they are not always good to have in an aquarium, I don't use them but have read mixed things about them - maybe someone else knows more and can advise?
Re: Water testing kit, they can be expensive but are worth it in my opinion.  If they are too much too start with a good store will test your water either for free or for a small charge.  The best one appears to be the API Water Test Kit, look on-line to get an idea of costs before going to the store.  Make sure the test kit is well in date.  I have found with mine the NitrAte test not very good and therefore need to contact API to advise i.e. the store has tested my water with two other test kits and get different readings to me.  Overall though it appears most people prefer this kit to any other.  Do not get the test strips as they are not as reliable, and false economy in the long run.
I have again seen mixed reviews about giving peas to Bettas, I do not do this as I read that their digestive system is not designed to handle them, but again someone else may have a different opinion.
I would thaw out a shrimp, then cut it up for him and give him a little of it.  If you have some tweezers you can tempt him by moving it a little in the water then keeping it still for him to grab at.  Bettas do not have the ability to break food up as easily like some other fish hence giving it in smaller portions help him.  That being said I sometimes put a muscle in the tank and open it up and my bettas attack it like there is no tommorrow.
The other thing you may wish to consider is worming him.  It depends where he has been sourced from as a good breeder/store would have already done this.  Ask where you got him from if they know if this is the case?  Read up on worming though as it is not advisable to medicate unecessarily and can also add to your costs.  I use the KUSURI wormer plus, which is made for Discus but apparently is very good.  At this stage though I would not worry too much about this, I just started using it when I was loosing my girls with no clear reason why - apparently a well known betta girl problem!  It seems to have stabilised them again, but have as yet to use it on any of the boys.
By the way, what sort of filter do you have in the tank?  How long has it been running?  Do you use a water conditioner?  Do you add any bacterial agent when doing water changes?  How often are you doing a water change and how much?  How do you clean the filter media (if you have one)?
Also, do not get anything like Danios to put in with him, they need more space and although I have done so in the past I have seen them nip occassionally.  Plus they are very fast to the food, and the betta may struggle to compete.
Keep us posted on how you get on, and if you are able to answer the questions it can help with advising you further.
RCA said:
Anways, he's in a 2.5 gallon. I would love to get him a 5 Gal but I just can't do that right now... ..... What do you suggest I get him that is cheap but he will love? I was going to buy a water testing kit to keep an eye on Ammonia and nitrite.
Is there any food I can give him currently that I have in my house? I don't have any peas :'( But I do have some frozen shrimp.
Hi, the tank looks great with some things for him to explore, if you can get any floating (real) plants they like those and a silk or real plant with broad leaves as they like to chill out on them.  Bogwood is also good for Bettas, or if you can get them (usually on-line) Indian Almond Leaves, as these help provide him with the water he is used too.  I put my Almond Leaves on a food clip stuck to the back of the tank and I find my boys like to sit in the food clip and chill

Be careful with shells they are not always good to have in an aquarium, I don't use them but have read mixed things about them - maybe someone else knows more and can advise?
Re: Water testing kit, they can be expensive but are worth it in my opinion.  If they are too much too start with a good store will test your water either for free or for a small charge.  The best one appears to be the API Water Test Kit, look on-line to get an idea of costs before going to the store.  Make sure the test kit is well in date.  I have found with mine the NitrAte test not very good and therefore need to contact API to advise i.e. the store has tested my water with two other test kits and get different readings to me.  Overall though it appears most people prefer this kit to any other.  Do not get the test strips as they are not as reliable, and false economy in the long run.
I have again seen mixed reviews about giving peas to Bettas, I do not do this as I read that their digestive system is not designed to handle them, but again someone else may have a different opinion.
I would thaw out a shrimp, then cut it up for him and give him a little of it.  If you have some tweezers you can tempt him by moving it a little in the water then keeping it still for him to grab at.  Bettas do not have the ability to break food up as easily like some other fish hence giving it in smaller portions help him.  That being said I sometimes put a muscle in the tank and open it up and my bettas attack it like there is no tommorrow.
The other thing you may wish to consider is worming him.  It depends where he has been sourced from as a good breeder/store would have already done this.  Ask where you got him from if they know if this is the case?  Read up on worming though as it is not advisable to medicate unecessarily and can also add to your costs.  I use the KUSURI wormer plus, which is made for Discus but apparently is very good.  At this stage though I would not worry too much about this, I just started using it when I was loosing my girls with no clear reason why - apparently a well known betta girl problem!  It seems to have stabilised them again, but have as yet to use it on any of the boys.
By the way, what sort of filter do you have in the tank?  How long has it been running?  Do you use a water conditioner?  Do you add any bacterial agent when doing water changes?  How often are you doing a water change and how much?  How do you clean the filter media (if you have one)?
Also, do not get anything like Danios to put in with him, they need more space and although I have done so in the past I have seen them nip occassionally.  Plus they are very fast to the food, and the betta may struggle to compete.
Keep us posted on how you get on, and if you are able to answer the questions it can help with advising you further.
Yes I really want to get him a java fern because they are hardy and don't need much care. I also heard they are good plants for bettas... I Don't want to put anything in the tank thats living until Toby (my betta) is better.
Yes, my petstore sells the API water testing master kit and I was going to see if I could get that or something close to it, it's like $29.59 CAN so that's pretty much $30... The store gives free water tests though. Thinking I should do that right now and get them to give me the ACTUAL numbers.
I will try the shrimp and see if he eats

Err I was thinking about deworming him (if he has worms..) I tried to research to see if he has it.. He does usually just lay around all day ether in his hut or up top.. He does swim around though, he just likes to rest most of the time. I'v only seen him poo twice and I think the first time it was white. (I think). the second time there was a brownish little ball floating under him which was attached to clear poo...weird...
My filter has been running a little before I bought him? The tank is an aqueon 2.5-gallon. aquarium kit
That is what the filter looks like. I do use water conditioner every time I add new water and I did add bacterial agent when I was cleaning the tank and doing water changes but since I noticed his behavior I stopped putting it in. I used to do a water change every week but now I'm doing it every 3 or so days until I am sure the tank is cycled. I used to take the filter pad and rise it out a bit, but I read that you aren't supposed to do that! so I have no idea what to do when a pad is still okay to use but is a little dirty..
I don't think I'm going to get him any tank mates to be honest... I want to focus on him.
Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate your fast replies and concern for Toby. I really hope I can make him better.
It is fine to clean the filter pad in used old tank water and then throw the water away, fresh tap water contains chlorine and will kill the filters bacterial colony but old tank water will not have any
so next time you do a water change save that water to wash the filter in if need be, I only ever clean mine if I see a reduction in flow. You are right not to get any other fish, just focus on the betta
the tank is too small for anything else. I cannot see the heater looking at the pic? what type do you have?
It would seem to me that Toby is causing you a lot of heart ache and worry. Is there any chance you can take him back to the store for them to care for him until he is bettter. This would also give your tank a chance to sort itself out. I think you said it was a small family run store, I imagine they will be pretty cool about the whole thing after all they sold him.
The more you fuss a fish the more unsettled and unhappy they become, do the free water test and then you will have a better idea whats going on. If it comes back bad maybe you should give him a break till hes fit then bring him home.
betta fish said:
It is fine to clean the filter pad in used old tank water and then throw the water away, fresh tap water contains chlorine and will kill the filters bacterial colony but old tank water will not have any
so next time you do a water change save that water to wash the filter in if need be, I only ever clean mine if I see a reduction in flow. You are right not to get any other fish, just focus on the betta
the tank is too small for anything else. I cannot see the heater looking at the pic? what type do you have?
Oh that makes a lot of sense! thank you! and I do have a heater ehe. It's the black thing that is in the middle of the tank at the back right beside the betta bed I made.

372xp said:
It would seem to me that Toby is causing you a lot of heart ache and worry. Is there any chance you can take him back to the store for them to care for him until he is bettter. This would also give your tank a chance to sort itself out. I think you said it was a small family run store, I imagine they will be pretty cool about the whole thing after all they sold him.
The more you fuss a fish the more unsettled and unhappy they become, do the free water test and then you will have a better idea whats going on. If it comes back bad maybe you should give him a break till hes fit then bring him home.
Unfortunately I don't think the store will do that :< also... I really don't trust them with him haha... if they were the ones to make him sick in the first place, it makes me wonder if they really know how to take care of a betta.. I will check my tank to see if it's alright. Since he has been living in there for a month I think he will be okay still (my logic is probably terrible).
Anyway thank you for your concern about me >3< But my life isn't too hectic I'd say and even though He makes me worried I still don't mind taking the time to make him better.
Strange looking heater lol! what kind is it? do you have a link to it? I guess it is different because of the size of the tank, did it come with it? I think you should keep him too, I don't think the pet shop will care for him as well as you are doing for him they have other things and fish etc on their mind, at least you can give him one to one and you have come to the right place to ask advice
betta fish said:
Strange looking heater lol! what kind is it? do you have a link to it? I guess it is different because of the size of the tank, did it come with it? I think you should keep him too, I don't think the pet shop will care for him as well as you are doing for him they have other things and fish etc on their mind, at least you can give him one to one and you have come to the right place to ask advice
The heater is a Betta fish heater?
It's working pretty good for me :)

Alright! I am back from the petstore! I bought tetra parasite guard just in case I need to deworm Toby. I'm not using it yet though. I also bought the API freshwater master test kit and I got the water checked at the store.
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .5
hardness 75ppm
Chlorine 0
Alkalinity 120ppm
PH 7.2
If I'm correct everything is fine except Nitrite. To get that lower I should do a water change?
Also I just bought an Amazon sword plant. The lady at my lfs told me to just put it in the gravel... is this correct? I don't trust her >.>
Yup do a water change to lower your Nitrite reading :) Ammonia and Nitrite should read 0 ppm always, and Nitrate should be between 10-20ppm or so (though higher readings aren't uncommon). That reading and the fact that you don't have a nitrate reading makes me think that perhaps your tank isn't cycled. Try doing daily water changes for a week or so, keep checking the results daily and hopefully you'll start to see an improvement in him. I also think it would be worth you de-worming him too, it won't hurt :)
With the plant, trim the roots a little and then place it in the substrate. Trimming the roots will encourage new growth and it should root in well after a couple of weeks :)
Flute said:
Yup do a water change to lower your Nitrite reading
Ammonia and Nitrite should read 0 ppm always, and Nitrate should be between 10-20ppm or so (though higher readings aren't uncommon). That reading and the fact that you don't have a nitrate reading makes me think that perhaps your tank isn't cycled. Try doing daily water changes for a week or so, keep checking the results daily and hopefully you'll start to see an improvement in him. I also think it would be worth you de-worming him too, it won't hurt

With the plant, trim the roots a little and then place it in the substrate. Trimming the roots will encourage new growth and it should root in well after a couple of weeks
Just trimmed the roots and put the plant in, Toby seems to be out investigating. I'll do a water change right now. What should I do with the medicine? they are tablets. Should I take the plant out and put it in my other tank for now or will the medicine not harm it?

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