Acting Strange...

What does it say on the package about it's affects on plants? Should be alright if it doesn't mention that it could be harmful towards plants and inverts.
Flute said:
What does it say on the package about it's affects on plants? Should be alright if it doesn't mention that it could be harmful towards plants and inverts.
Says its safe for fish and plants :) I put some in but the water is looking a bit cloudy. I did a water change. I'm thinking of doing another one right now.
After everything Toby seems to be on the bottom of his tank, on his side, just breathing... I think I am going to Euthanize him... The poor guy is probably in a lot of pain..
I am so sorry to hear this, have you tried the section on emergencies, to see if anyone else can help?
Sadly sometimes try as we might there can be something internal that we cannot figure out, only you are able to see how Toby is currently and make a decision in his best interests.  There is some information elsewhere about Euthanasia, I have had to do it recently and found it very difficult to do, so I am thinking of you.  Please try the above post first to see if anyone with more knowledge can assist you.  If not my thoughts are with you and Toby.
Also, read up on cycling an aquarium as this takes some time before stocking.
Sorry I have not been around as much recently, needed to do some work with my own aquariums.
RCA said:
I am so sorry to hear this, have you tried the section on emergencies, to see if anyone else can help?
Sadly sometimes try as we might there can be something internal that we cannot figure out, only you are able to see how Toby is currently and make a decision in his best interests.  There is some information elsewhere about Euthanasia, I have had to do it recently and found it very difficult to do, so I am thinking of you.  Please try the above post first to see if anyone with more knowledge can assist you.  If not my thoughts are with you and Toby.
Also, read up on cycling an aquarium as this takes some time before stocking.
Sorry I have not been around as much recently, needed to do some work with my own aquariums.
mmn I haven't done anything to him. I asked my father about it and he said to give Toby a little more time. I tested my water again, It's not the very best but it's getting better since I put in the filter media from my cycled tank. The nitrate is ether 0 or 5 ppm but I'm thinking its more o... The ammonia seems to be .25ppm and the nitrite seems to be .25ppm. I'll give him another water change a little later today to help. I still think he has a chance.... I just don't want him suffering, but I do not want to put him down when he could have gotten better...
I have never even met Toby but feel he is part of my life through this forum. I wish him all the best in this life and in the happy hunting ground after.
Euthanasia is a big step. Read up on it first. I have never had to do it and wouldnt want to. All I can say is quick and painless, not vodka or freezer. (Now you might not want to read this) Thick opaque bag and a preist (hammer) over in a fraction of a second.
Good luck and all the best.
372xp said:
I have never even met Toby but feel he is part of my life through this forum. I wish him all the best in this life and in the happy hunting ground after.
Euthanasia is a big step. Read up on it first. I have never had to do it and wouldnt want to. All I can say is quick and painless, not vodka or freezer. (Now you might not want to read this) Thick opaque bag and a preist (hammer) over in a fraction of a second.
Good luck and all the best.
Thanks, I just made a post in the emergency forum.. It means so much to me that you are trying to help me out! ;A; I'm going to still try and help Toby. But if it stays like this without getting better... I might just have to ask my dad to... de head him... knife to the head?? Because I definitely could not do it, or watch it happen, I don't think I could squash him ether...
Poor Dad, if my daughter asked me to do this (and I would) I would be traumatised. And I cut down trees for a living!
372xp said:
Poor Dad, if my daughter asked me to do this (and I would) I would be traumatised. And I cut down trees for a living!
> < Daddy is okay with these things I'm pretty sure... but I don't think I'd make him do it if he didn't want to.
In respect to your water changes, little and often is the key so as not to shock him.  I have a small quarantine tank and I take out 1-2 jug fulls then put the same in, a couple of times a day if need be vs a larger quantity less often.  I am sure you are but just in case, is the water you replace the same temperature as what you take out?  How do you get it up to temperature?  I always use cold water from the tap, but then use boing water from the kettle to bring it to temperature as over here there can be lead etc., in the hot water pipes.  I then mix it all around and add my declorinator before it goes back in the aquarium.
Another thing is that my local fish store said that sometimes a fish may have been kept for sometime in not ideal conditions, this is not necessarily your conditions but prior to you getting him, and it affects them later even when things are better for them.  Similar to getting smoke in your lungs in a house fire but you are OK initially then you get sick later from the effects.  So this maybe nothing that you are doing, it could just sadly be Toby may have had a hard start.  Do you by any chance know where your fish store got him from i.e. was he shipped in from overseas?  Does the store treat their fish on arrival, and if so what for?  How long do they quarantine them for prior to sale?
Wishing you the best of luck, you are doing all you can for your little guy, and that is all we can all do, and learn along the way.
RCA said:
In respect to your water changes, little and often is the key so as not to shock him.  I have a small quarantine tank and I take out 1-2 jug fulls then put the same in, a couple of times a day if need be vs a larger quantity less often.  I am sure you are but just in case, is the water you replace the same temperature as what you take out?  How do you get it up to temperature?  I always use cold water from the tap, but then use boing water from the kettle to bring it to temperature as over here there can be lead etc., in the hot water pipes.  I then mix it all around and add my declorinator before it goes back in the aquarium.
Another thing is that my local fish store said that sometimes a fish may have been kept for sometime in not ideal conditions, this is not necessarily your conditions but prior to you getting him, and it affects them later even when things are better for them.  Similar to getting smoke in your lungs in a house fire but you are OK initially then you get sick later from the effects.  So this maybe nothing that you are doing, it could just sadly be Toby may have had a hard start.  Do you by any chance know where your fish store got him from i.e. was he shipped in from overseas?  Does the store treat their fish on arrival, and if so what for?  How long do they quarantine them for prior to sale?
Wishing you the best of luck, you are doing all you can for your little guy, and that is all we can all do, and learn along the way.
I take out around 2 litres? err I usually check the water in the tank with my hand and then rush to the bath tub and turn it on and match the temperature. then I fill it up and add dechlorinator. I would have no idea where they got their fish from, I also feel kind of shy and don't want to bug them because I feel like they would get mad at me. But mostly I don't want to go ask them because well, I'm really angry. They get all these beautiful fish, much prettier than the ones at the chain pet store, and then they take care of them poorly! Last time I went they had a TON of feeders in a tank that was green!!

I'm checking his tank to see if it's better today. I'll get back to you if anything has changed. and thank you so much for your help.
Can you confirm, do you add the declorinator before adding the new water to the aquarium, or after you have put the new water in the aquarium?
RCA said:
Can you confirm, do you add the declorinator before adding the new water to the aquarium, or after you have put the new water in the aquarium?
I put the declorinator before adding the new water to the aquarium.
Excellent :)  How is Toby today?
RCA said:
  How is Toby today?
D: the same if not worse.... I think he wants to react to me when I look at him or move something near him, but he can't move too much. He doesn't really move unless he has to. He is in a spot in the tank where I can't see him too clearly but I think the water is a little better than before? He looks like he is breathing softly instead of rapidly? I tested the water and it read Nitrite 0 Ammonia .25 and nitrate 0.. I don't know if the plant is eating all the nitrate?? I have an amazon sword in there with him.. I did a water change though and I'm doing some homework now. I was going to give another small water change soon.

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