hello kitty
Fish Crazy
they are fine at the mo balas still real small but im rehoming him soon anyway
Please don't take offense, but that could change in a heartbeat. After months of having my betta in a community tank I went home to find two of my other fish dead and he was going after a third one before I got him out. I also had one of my zebra danios die the next day from what I believe were injuries from the betta that I didn't notice the day before. I have kept bettas with other fish off and on for over 30 years and never had any problems, but I will never keep bettas with any other fish again. I know a lot of people think they are "only fish" and if one gets killed they just go out and buy another one, but if you do really care about them, get them out of danger before it is too late.hello kitty said:they are fine at the mo balas still real small but im rehoming him soon anyway
Hey Orkybetta... is this me? The lfs said they'd be fine together since the h. ras. are peaceful and my betta happens to not even hardly flair at my other male betta. And so far they have been... they've actually been playing in the current together!OrkyBetta said:Hey, I just decided to nonchalantly bump this back up because I have seen some people lately with unacceptable betta tankmates. Maybe this will be a little hint.
Hey Orkybetta... is this me? The lfs said they'd be fine together since the h. ras. are peaceful and my betta happens to not even hardly flair at my other male betta. And so far they have been... they've actually been playing in the current together!OrkyBetta said:Hey, I just decided to nonchalantly bump this back up because I have seen some people lately with unacceptable betta tankmates. Maybe this will be a little hint.