Acceptable betta tankmates

Mariah said:
hello kitty said:
my bettas fine in my community, my black neons have never bothered him they stay away!

Is your betta male or female and what else do you have in your community?
Thanks :)
hes male veil tail, have in 1 gold gourami 6 black neons, 1 veil tail bristlenose 3 panda corys, and 1 rtbs and 1 silver shark, both to be moved when they grow. ive never had any probs with rocky the betta in this community
hello kitty said:
Mariah said:
hello kitty said:
my bettas fine in my community, my black neons have never bothered him they stay away!

Is your betta male or female and what else do you have in your community?
Thanks :)
hes male veil tail, have in 1 gold gourami 6 black neons, 1 veil tail bristlenose 3 panda corys, and 1 rtbs and 1 silver shark, both to be moved when they grow. ive never had any probs with rocky the betta in this community
Ok thanks :)
hello kitty said:
Mariah said:
hello kitty said:
my bettas fine in my community, my black neons have never bothered him they stay away!

Is your betta male or female and what else do you have in your community?
Thanks :)
hes male veil tail, have in 1 gold gourami 6 black neons, 1 veil tail bristlenose 3 panda corys, and 1 rtbs and 1 silver shark, both to be moved when they grow. ive never had any probs with rocky the betta in this community
How long have you had your betta with the black neons? About a week ago, I put 3 black neons with a male betta in a 20-gallon tank. So far, the betta and black neons seem to ignore each other. I only tried 3 black neons because I spent an hour and that's all I could catch in another tank. I'd like to put in more black neons, but I was wondering if it would work long term before I spent another hour trying to catch some more. Therefore, I'm real interested in your experience.
As I stated, there are many success stories on bettas in community tanks. But it is not natural, and when humans try to mess with nature, sometimes some ugly things can happen. Glad to hear all of your fish are getting along, though! When I had tetras, they were the nippiest darn buggers!
Hey wuv, you still want to pin this? It's ok I forgot about it too. :p
For those of you wondering about apple snails vs. mystery snails, I had it explained to me this way. They are the same species. The difference is that the mystery snails are the wild type, while the apple snails have been bred to have several different color shells. Beyond that, there is no difference and they can breed together. Good luck figuring out which ones are male and which are female, though. *grin*
I think onle female bettas should be kept together in a "community". Otherwise you are just waiting on the inevitable to happen. Eventually your betta or other tank mates are going to have a bad day..and someone is going to end up on the wrong end of the stick.

Better to me to just not risk it. I just let my bettas see each otehr for about an hour a day..after that they are usually tired of being in each others face and prefer to retire to a leaf and chill out for a while.

Good thread though :thumbs: .
Thanks for all of the awesome input. I agree, SRC I wouldn't ever chance my bettas with ANYTHING. They live alone, but can see eachother through the holes in the background paper dividers on occasion, so they aren't bored. But some people want to keep bettas with other things, so they might as well know what will work, and what will cause you to have dead fish in a matter of hours.
I really don't know how I missed this thread the first time... I'll have to disagree with you, Wuv. 15 girls is too many for a 20. There's the rule of 1" of fish per gallon of water. Girls like to have thier territory. The odds of getting 15 girls that will get along perfectly is slim to none. I have a 20 gallon high which holds 7 girls, 2 white tip tetras (only because they came with the tank), a small spotted cory and a clown pleco. Honestly, I would only think about putting one more female betta in there. I'm probably going to get rid of the tetras when I'm done quarantining my neon lite tetras.

And yes, no more than 6 in a 10-gallon, no less than 4. It really just depends on your females, I guess. I have one who's quite the alpha female. And I have another that just sits in the shadows in the back of the tank.

Anywho, back to the actual topic at hand. Ok, good tankmates... peaceful tetras (white tip, neon lite, etc), cories, small plecos, some mollies. Nothing aggressive or with flowy tails. Honestly, girl bettas are just like middle school girls. Fine one moment and freaking out the next.
pjfish said:
hello kitty said:
Mariah said:
hello kitty said:
my bettas fine in my community, my black neons have never bothered him they stay away!

Is your betta male or female and what else do you have in your community?
Thanks :)
hes male veil tail, have in 1 gold gourami 6 black neons, 1 veil tail bristlenose 3 panda corys, and 1 rtbs and 1 silver shark, both to be moved when they grow. ive never had any probs with rocky the betta in this community
How long have you had your betta with the black neons? About a week ago, I put 3 black neons with a male betta in a 20-gallon tank. So far, the betta and black neons seem to ignore each other. I only tried 3 black neons because I spent an hour and that's all I could catch in another tank. I'd like to put in more black neons, but I was wondering if it would work long term before I spent another hour trying to catch some more. Therefore, I'm real interested in your experience.
about a month, they are fine with each other
After yesterday I don't believe there is any foolproof tankmate for a betta. Booker had been in his community tank for almost 2 months when he attacked and killed my golden gourami and my female guppy last night. (See my BE WARNED post) PLEASE, anyone, if you don't want your other fish to die, take your betta out of community tanks. I'd hate for anyone else to go through this, and I'd hate for anymore fish to die because, "they've been fine together so far." :sad:

Edited for spelling - :look:
Actually, I have found a foolproof tankmate, ANY freshwater fish can be put with a betta...just make sure you put dividers in the tank first!
whould a guppy be ok to go in with an extremly stupid betta?(stupid in a good way like whouldent harm a fly)

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