Fish Addict
Looking really natural aaron and those dwarf rainbows are gorgeous! Are they active schoolers?
How is your frogbit doing? I really struggle with mine got a couple of large plants (1.7" leaves) but all the others generally struggle, despite blocking some light and good air temp. They do my head in!
Constantly togetherSometimes they shoal with the hatchets, and if they are on the bottom, the SAE's & Loaches shoal too
I have sent about 100 frogbit plants out already. You dont see much on the photo's because it is constantly being thinned out. Light & CO2 is always ok with floating plants. So you have to turn to nutrients, generally they dont get enough nitrogen.
How far away are the lights? They might be getting burned.
Wow, shoaling with the hatchets!
Regards the frogbit, what would they look like if they were burned?