Aaron's 216l Planted Journal!

Looking really natural aaron and those dwarf rainbows are gorgeous! Are they active schoolers?

How is your frogbit doing? I really struggle with mine got a couple of large plants (1.7" leaves) but all the others generally struggle, despite blocking some light and good air temp. They do my head in!

Constantly together :) Sometimes they shoal with the hatchets, and if they are on the bottom, the SAE's & Loaches shoal too :)

I have sent about 100 frogbit plants out already. You dont see much on the photo's because it is constantly being thinned out. Light & CO2 is always ok with floating plants. So you have to turn to nutrients, generally they dont get enough nitrogen.

How far away are the lights? They might be getting burned.


Wow, shoaling with the hatchets!

Regards the frogbit, what would they look like if they were burned?
Looking really natural aaron and those dwarf rainbows are gorgeous! Are they active schoolers?

How is your frogbit doing? I really struggle with mine got a couple of large plants (1.7" leaves) but all the others generally struggle, despite blocking some light and good air temp. They do my head in!

Constantly together :) Sometimes they shoal with the hatchets, and if they are on the bottom, the SAE's & Loaches shoal too :)

I have sent about 100 frogbit plants out already. You dont see much on the photo's because it is constantly being thinned out. Light & CO2 is always ok with floating plants. So you have to turn to nutrients, generally they dont get enough nitrogen.

How far away are the lights? They might be getting burned.


Wow, shoaling with the hatchets!

Regards the frogbit, what would they look like if they were burned?

Probably shrunken/ shrivelled up as they would be dehydrated. Can you get a pic? Mine are about 6" from the light, but there is a thin acrylic sheet between the two.
aaron how could you!

i was going to get some M.praecox for my 240!!! they are awesome. did you manage to find some nice males? - they seem harder to get than the females at the moment.
Aaron. Have you given thought to updating your title? You're wood's been in since page 6. :lol:
You have really progressed since the last time I popped in.

Nice rainbows, really like those.

Shame about the angel, I had one that only lasted a day or two, half of the frond was missing, did not look infected either. Just did not make it.

Nice angel, I have a 5 stripe, very graceful fish, once grown they fill a space in the tank too. Really add a focal point.

Plants are really filling out, will be awesome once you get the rest in, really nice scaping.

I am giving mum my Freshwater tank, just don't seem to have the same enthusiasm for it now I have the reef. Could not bear to part with the fish though, thats why mums having them. Keeping my L260's in there own 20g long, hoping they will breed. They have been a little fresh lately so fingers crossed.

Keep up the good work
Thanks Tina,

Rather than C.Undulata, i have A.Lilacina due to the Undulata being out of stock, excellent health for £3 though :) (from "the aquatic room")


and i had a big trim that doesnt seem so big anymore :lol:

some lovely developments since 2weeks ago :) love the rainbows, but dont fast fish god ###### anoy a photographer :rolleyes: i agree with your point on the angel, nice to see a bit of grace in a tank with 200mph rainbows!
got back off my holi and my tank is like a jungle, plants everywhere, quite alot of algae, and to my mystery all of the amazon frogbit you send me has dissapeared :sick: just vanished! i presume it must have been eaten by somebody, anyways keep up the good work

whats the total stocking now then aaron? i love it...the marbeled hatchets and the loaches being my favorite.

im coming back to the planted side by the way...ive given up on marine...im having nothing but bad luck

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