A Very English Spring

Looks good - you standing on the other side of the room with that lens on!! I love using my 70-200 with macro at the long end, can sit on the sofa taking pictures at leisure ;)
I am lol, i'm stood with my back up against the wall of an 18ft lounge! It take cracking portrait pics of the kids. I'm still practising with it, i'm trying to sus the macro thing out with it!
Looking good dude, I need to get a mad camera, now using a little compact Lumix.
What sort of settings have you got that on Ian? What is your white balance? Like dim light by any chance, seeing as you get those greens and blues
cheers guys, there's nothing up with a Lumix, Steve. On the right settings you can get some great pics from a Lumix.

What sort of settings have you got that on Ian? What is your white balance? Like dim light by any chance, seeing as you get those greens and blues

I prefer the pics with a lower EV, so thats set on 0.3, F4.5, Focal length of 75mm, res of 350. The ISO it set at 800. :good: Hope this helps.
cheers guys, there's nothing up with a Lumix, Steve. On the right settings you can get some great pics from a Lumix.

What sort of settings have you got that on Ian? What is your white balance? Like dim light by any chance, seeing as you get those greens and blues

I prefer the pics with a lower EV, so thats set on 0.3, F4.5, Focal length of 75mm, res of 350. The ISO it set at 800. :good: Hope this helps.

I tried f4.8, between 18-55mm iso 800/1600. My white balance doesnt seem to have a value, tried it low though but just slightly too green and blue for me, yours look nice though :good: ill try to get some pics up tomorrow to show what i mean
the only thing i have done with that image is sharpen it in Picasa, and obviously put a frame around it. I must say, the colours are better with this new lens rather than the kit lens.
What a gorgeous tank. I bet you can make that branch look like a tree with java moss as the leaves. How do you know which woods won't be poisonous to the water? :3
thanks Blappy. :good:

Manzanita wood is aquarium safe, i'm not one for picking unknown wood when i'm out and about. I normally buy aquarium wood from places.
I do lol, old dead ivy branches are great for the manzanita look, boil them, weigh them down and a month later they're great. Done it in my nano with GSP's and attached moss.
the thing is, you don't know if they're completely dry on the inside, they then can start to rot. This can take a while and can cause problems. I'm not saying you can't do it, but i'd rather not :)
Oh yeah I know, mine were dried in an airing cupboard after I left them in the garden for about 3 months and they were well and truly dead.
just a short vid, of the scape a month on. The flow around the substrate appears to be good.

best viewed in 720p :good:
Very nice Ian, so much growth since the last video. The colours are amazing against the wood.



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