a lot of us "rescue" bettas


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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Hey all,

I know a lot of us get bettas we know are sick, because no one else will buy them. I am wondering if any of you also "rescue" other fish or animals.

For example, I have an eyeless flame nosed tetra. The store gave him to me for free because he has no eyes. He is alive and kicking a couple of months later.

All of my cats have been "rescues". Chevy was almost starved to death and full of worms when we brought her home. Fritz was a feral kitten that was going to be put to sleep at the spca, Libby and Chase both came from a neglectful neighbour who starved them all the time. They are alive today because I moved in and started feeding them. She then moved out and abandoned them, so they officially became mine.

What about you guys? Do you save your rescue efforts only for your bettas? Bringing a betta back from the brink of death is really hard work, but IMO, no harder than any other fish, and sometimes animal. Share your stories, betta rescue or not. I would love to hear them.
Hey I only have one Beta now, but I can tell you if I had the time and money I would literally have hundreds,LOL! I am in the middle of moving, so once I am settled I am definately adding some more.

Now as for your question, my addiction started w/ Land Hermit Crabs! They are awesome! I bought 3, then went to 4-quickly! The fourth buy was an impluse, as he was the size of a dime, and missing 2 legs! Poor guy was getting beat up by these HUGE Baseball sizes hermies that were his tank mates! I brought him home, he seemed so happy and healthy at first-running around, playing, and eating. Unfortuneately, he suffered from PPS (post petstore stress) and I only had him for a few days :no:

SO-I am in the process of upgrading from a 10 gal to a 20 gal for my hermies. Which Means????? Yes, more Hermies!! And yes, I will most likely get the ones that need my help the most!
awwww,too cute. We just brought home our first hermie and we're already hooked. I can't wait to set up his crabitat and buy more friends :thumbs:

I suppose my midas *could* be considered a rescue. He wasn't in bad shape but the shop had him crammed in a 20 gallon due to his aggression. He sat there for over a month before I finally decided he had to come home with us (after realizing that he might get sold and I'd never see him again!)
Yes it is so much fun to set up the crabitat! I love cleaning day,LOL. When I first brought my gang home, they were chirping, exploring, and changing shells within minutes! Too cute! I had my first succesfull molt!! And another has been down in the sand for about 2 and a half weeks, I hope all goes well with his molt! My biggest hermie, is going through pre-molt, he is very lethargic. I just always have to keep an eye out, because as soon as one comes up from molting I have to rush and do a tank clean clean before another goes down! Good Luck with your hermies!
When I first started to buy fish, I always went for the healthiest, and happiest looking. I am now finding that I look for the ones that will probably not be bought by anyone. They are the ones that are sick, or "ugly". If they are sick, I try to talk the store into giving me them for free. It often works. If they are just "ugly"(no fish is ugly IMO), I get them and pamper them when I get home. I love all my fishies equally, but there are a couple that just make my heart go pitter patter. :wub:
I once saved my dog from eating plastic......lol.
I know that doesn't qualifi.
Cats and dogs. We have a big stray problem in this area. I also have 3 cats of my own, all of which were rescues (literally, I took mine from Oklahoma to Michigan on a bus in a backpack).
We got our 2 cats from somebody that lived out in the country, they had a female cat that they didn't spay ( :angry: ), it had kittens and they didn't want anything to do with them. They were outside the whole time (the kittens and the mother cat), and since they lived in the bush practicly there were lots of predators and they would of died during the winter (this was in the summer). So my dad found out about them, and we went and got two. There were 2 other ones, a really fluffy one that we couldn't get because there might be a chance that my mom is alergic to long-haired cats, and another one that we never saw because it was extremely skiddish, and we wouldn't of been able to catch it. We originaly just planned to get 1, but ended up getting 2 kittens :D Unfortunality, my dad found out that the 2 other kittens didn't make it :-( One just dissapeared (got eaten most likely) and the other got ran over by a truck.
I am a second generation "animal rescuer"

When I was a kid we had an absolute MENAGERIE of animals!!! We had a big farm but it wasnt really a working farm ... more like a zoo!! Mom would take in horses, dogs and cats that had been abandoned or abused and nurse them back to health. My very first pony came from the SPCA because it had been shot in the face. Most of the animals after they were well, she would find permanent homes for. We even had ferrets once. Mom would also go to the livestock auction and bid on the goats that were nearly dead and nurse them back to health. Some of the farmers noticed she was doing that and started buying them for her. Alot of the animals would die anyway ... they would just be too far gone when she finally got them ... but alot of them had happy lives, at least while they were here on the farm

My first rescue was my cat. He just showed up one day and I decided I needed a cat ... so 1 tin of tuna later ... he was mine. Then I noticed another cat that seemed to be his brother and another that I'm guessing is the mom. The first one lives in the house and the other 2 live outside but they always have food and shelter when they need it. They have sort of become "neighborhood cats" but if I ever move they are all coming with me.
Then came the fish....
The first 3 were 2 common goldfish and 1 fancy that somone bought to "clean up after the red eared sliders" ... when I got them they were pretty chewed up.
Several months later I also aquired the afore mentioned slider turtles.
Then I got 2 more fancy golfish that somone was keeping in a 1 gallon hex tank. they were about 2.5 inched long each and you coulnt even see through the water. THe person had moved out of their apartment and left them there. The landlady knew me and knew I liked fish so she gave them to me.
My motherinlaw was keeping silver dollars in a 5 gallon :crazy: and I took those from her.

and I'm about to march myself down to a local resturant and give them betta care sheets ... they are keeping bettas as decor on the walls in little vase things.

Just call me betta (and other fish) wefare services!!!
my first ever rescue happened today!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
this is a pic of a baby platy that i rescued today!! i noticed her in a community tank and it was getting harrased by the other fishes :( i pointed it out to the lfs and they said no worries the other fish will just eat it and they don't breed fish or look after fry! :-( so i said i would take it and pay for it but in the end they gave me her for free :D and here she is

welcome 'little bit' !!! :wub:

I love all your stories, it puts a smile on my face. I know we can't save them all, but it feels good when we save one. Be it a goat, horse cat, dog, platy, or betta. I love the name Little Bit. My aunt had a dog named Little Bit. She was the runt of the litter. She was a mini yorkie, who sadly passed away after being put under anasthetic for a teeth cleaning. She is now in heaven with my aunt.

I used to try to "save" cats all the time when I was a kid. By save I mean I would see a cat on the way home from school. If it was dumb enough to come to me I would pick it up and carry it home, no matter how hard it tried to get away. :*)

I have a soft spot for cats. I will never adopt a cat unless it needs me, and when I go to the spca I look for cats that will be put down and take them home.
Oh Boy!, you opened a can of worms here. :D I have 2 Ex-Racing Greyhounds. They are the best dogs I have ever had. I would recomend them to everyone (and DO) :hey: I hope to staret my own Greyhound rescue in the near future.

Right now, I volunteer with the non profit organization I got my Greys from. We bring our dogs out to pet stores, and craft fairs. To show people what they are like, and to collect donations to help save more Greyhounds.

I have an Italian Greyhound too. Purchased from a pet store, but sort of a rescue. He was in a tiny cage, and was almost 5 months old. They discounted him, since he was not going to be a cute puppy much longer. So We got him.
I almost cried when we got him home. I took him out of the car, and onto the grass. You could see that he had never seen grass before. 5 months old, and never saw grass. :-( PUPPY MILLS. Don't get me started.

Also 3 cats. The first I found under my car after a bad 3 day rain storm. I don't think she was even 8 weeks old yet.

The other 2 are sisters. They may have diff. mothers though. 13 kittens were found under a friends BBQ. 13 is ALOT for 1 litter, that is why they may not have the same mom. They were abandoned at 3 weeks old. After many trips to te vet, and bottle feedings, 6 survived. I took 2.
That is wonderful. When I was a kid a friend of mine found a litter of kittens under her porch. Their mother had been hit by a car. We took one home and bottle fed her too. We kept her until she was about 8 months old, then she went to live with my mom's friend on her farm. Her name was Amelia. I loved how she would lick my chin.
one of my girls looks alot like the black/white one in your pic. little less white on her front feet, and her chin is black.

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