My dad randomly brought home four Betta fish with next to no supplies or no nothing to look after them. Any advice is appreciated!

If you keep the Bettas, they all need to be in 5 gallon tanks at a minimum. Dad should pay for any additional supplies.
My father has always been a stubborn guy. He quite literally yelled at me for getting the 5 gallon, talking about how it's a waste of money and a little fish like that doesn't need it. I swear, I have never met another person as ignorant as him. I'll be trying my best to get them the proper tank size regardless.
You should also get a bottle or two of Tetra Safe Start or Dr Tim's One and Only nitrifying Bacteria to speed up the cycling.
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you should give Dad the bill for all the supplies
I'm going to be cutting my trip short, just because I can't bare to leave them like that for that long without the necessary supplies. So I'd be gone for five days. I can get my brother to do partial water changes while I'm gone, at least.
There will be no perceptible problem with the water before at least 10 days... They are bettas, not gold fishes. Their ammonia output is negligible if well fed. And they also would resist unbelievably fool water for extended periods. I've seen them in pea soup, they could nearly live in mud if they have to.

At he moment there is no panic required... You have all the time to take your holiday and think of your strategy, gather all you need to be able to house your new squatters.

They are often left one week in the cup without water changes, for many weeks. They are already good.

If your brother can properly feed them as needed...Take your vacation, They will all be waiting there for you when you are coming back.
I want to mention that my dad absolutely refuses to buy anything for these fish. This is bordering on animal neglect and I am beyond livid. Even if these fish survive, they will not be happy and they will suffer and be more susceptible to illness. I have no idea what to do, I am beyond stressed out and I have school to worry about. I have to drop like a couple hundred dollars of my own money on fish that I didn't even want, but I'll do it if it means keeping them happy and healthy. I have no idea how to cycle a tank, I don't have a thermometer or API kit.
you could try to rehome them...perhaps via craigslist or facebook marketplace.... Would be less expensive and aggravating to you ... sell for a low price or free to good home
you could try to rehome them...perhaps via craigslist or facebook marketplace.... Would be less expensive and aggravating to you ... sell for a low price or free to good home
Two of them will be rehomed come Christmas time, because they're going to my dad's girlfriend's kids. That's the whole reason he got them. I'll be keeping two of them, if they all make it. But regardless if I could I wouldn't let them take the fish, they're 10 year olds and have no idea how to cycle a tank, and the tanks they do have for them are 0.5 gallons. If I even mentioned rehoming them somewhere else, I know it would end up in a huge argument.
With no filter they will need frequent water changes. Don't use any treatment other than plain dechlorinator, it could do more harm than good. With the small "tanks" frequent water charges will be easily doable, you don't need to cycle, just never miss a water change. Let's be realistic, other than possibly the 5 gallon, the cycle would be permanently unstable anyway.

The heaters are another matter and cannot be avoided as they must be kept warm.

Feed sparingly, I'd do 4 times a week. And add live plants, particularly floating.

It will be helpful to know the species and gender.

Check out the care guide for how much/ how frequently you need to water change uncycled containers.
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With no filter they will need frequent water changes. Don't use any treatment other than plain dechlorinator, it could do more harm than good. With the small "tanks" frequent water charges will be easily doable, you don't need to cycle, just never miss a water change. Let's be realistic, other than possibly the 5 gallon, the cycle would be permanently unstable anyway.

The heaters are another matter and cannot be avoided as they must be kept warm.

Feed sparingly, I'd do 4 times a week. And add live plants, particularly floating.

Check out the care guide for how much/ how frequently you need to water change uncycled containers.
The room they are in is being kept as heated as possible. My brother will be keeping up on the water changes until Tuesday, when I will be returning with the filters and heaters. I really hope they can pull through until then. I'll stop treating the water with anything else other than dechlorinator.
they like a temperature of about 77 but they would be ok at 72 if necessary....
long term , you would need heaters
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they like a temperature of about 77 but they would be ok at 72 if necessary
long term , you would need heaters
I have the heat on 20-25. Yes, I am getting heaters. Most of these setups are temporary until I can come back Tuesday with everything I need. I'm more worried on how to cycle a tank, because I've read up on it but can't understand it for the life of me.
if using tap water, get a dechlorinator asap.... if chlorine in tap water, the fish could quickly die
other option would be to put water used for water changes in a bucket and let it set for a day for chlorine to dissipate before adding the water to the tank(s)

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