70L Low-Tech Set Up

The embers are looking lovely. I had no luck with those guys when I tried them in a scape a few months ago - couldn't get them to eat anything. Tried everything but no luck. Might have just been a bad batch, but out of curiousity, what do you feed yours on?
Mine get Hikari micro pellets, Tetramin fry food which is just powdered flake, daphnia, inforsia, baby brine shrimp and powdered algae wafers, getting them to feed is the hardest bit in my experience also, it was about a week before they started taking food.

I've just come back from my LFS...I caved...I will update with images of the new stock later, but they are beautiful, I paid £19.50 for a wild caught pair which is not bad compared to what I've paid in the past!
Excuse the water marks, I'll get them sorted :blush:

Here's the Male, I tried to get a picture of the female but she's too busy hiding:
Oh boy! What a beauty! You and Ian are getting some quality fish. He's good and fat too. Usually when I see rams, they definitely need to fatten up some.

he's nice, he'll be even better when he settles in! Lets hope they pair up.
I'm really tempted to remove the H.polysperma. Then I'd shift the E.acicularis backwards and plant more HC in front...tempting, what do people think?
I think what's bothering you is that the hygro is the same height as the java fern. It kind of makes the tank look symmetrical. Am I on the mark? At least that's the criticism I would have.
I think it is that, but by the time I've trimmed it, it'll be back up to the surface in a day :rolleyes: It grows soo fast! tempted to replace it with Rotala.
In that system, unless you pick a more delicate species, Rotala will grow just as fast. Now, a cluster of Rotala closer to the java fern might be a nice effect, and you'll emphasize the triangle aspect of the scape by creating a nice plant grouping. Especially if you get a variety that blushes deep salmon at the tips.
Excuse the water marks, I'll get them sorted :blush:

Here's the Male, I tried to get a picture of the female but she's too busy hiding:

Beautiful, making me miss my rams I had, tanks looking really nice too, well done mate
Beautiful, making me miss my rams I had, tanks looking really nice too, well done mate.

Cheers Fella

I guess I could let the Hygro grow to the surface and see if that fits any better, I quite like the idea of a 'cushion' (technical term) of stems, such as Cabomba, I don't know if any of you are familiar with Paulo Leale's (LondonDragon) scapes but he exhibits this quite well.

I've given it a trim though so it's level with the Crypt's, I'll upload another photo later so I can see what people think.
I had to return the Male, he just wouldn't leave the Ember Tetra's alone, or the female for that matter, every time I looked into the tank he was chasing them around and bullying the Female, so I'm just down to the Female now, she is beautiful, and did the biggest turd this afternoon :good: it looked like a 6 inch long blood worm...

I also removed the Hygro, looks much better, the E.acicularis will be moved backwards and E.parvula will go in its place as well as more HC.

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