70L Low-Tech Set Up

My heart races when I see these signs in my tanks lol
Just read the whole thread :good: nice tank and some lovely fish! Always fancied the look of rams!
Pictures are looking great! What camera and lens are you using? Struggling to get 'decent' pictures :blink:
Plants look like theyre growing pretty crazy but it looks great!

Have you noticed the tank is lower one side than the other :crazy: might want to wedge it a little get it level :)
Thanks, for the first 4-5 pages I was using a Canon Ixus 86015, I'm now using a Canon EOS 400D with the standard kit lens.

The tank is level, I think it's the filter creating a wave front that makes it look higher on one side, this startled me at first also, but I must of checked it at least 20 times before I was satisfied.
Cool i did like my 18-55 lens, good for what they are, the 50mm prime lenses are good too but you have to stand back a bit more than your used to lol fair enough see unlevel tanks all the time :crazy:
It's been a spell since I've read up on this thread. The camera takes some nice shots of the embers. Their colors are great.

Is there any room in the back to perhaps create a little more height in the left? Otherwise, it looks very good. :)

I plan to add some H.polysperma to the rear right corner to improve the height, I threw a few cuttings in this afternoon and they're just being left suspended to grow a little as the stuff that went in was purely emmersed growth, so I'm waiting till that dies off and I get some immersed growth.

The Ram is acting up again, it wont feed :/ I've tried live everything, I'm tempted to add some snakeskin Endlers too, it's been a while since I last kept some and they're stunning!
Why is she acting up? Talk some sense into that woman! :)
The good news is, Mrs. Ram is fine and is feeding again, she has a little bit of fin rot from a wound which Mr. Ram left her with :/ so I'm treating that at the moment, FTS to come tonight.
I wouldn't have though the temp dropping would affect the rams. Much of the 'suggested' temperature (and ph) parameters are pretty much based on hearsay really.

I turn my heater off for 4 days to get my Corys breeding. temp drops to.......probs 21 or so don't really check. Tetras fine, Rasboras and shrimp fine, Corys geting busy etc.

I used to have Rams when I had Pitbull Plecs and I did the same trick with those to get them to breed. The rams had no problem however the plecs wouldn't play ball. lol

Ooops, forgot the FTS, planning of the new scape has begun, I might try an iwagumi this time around, I'm still not sure however, this set up will probably remain for another 2-3 months though.
I've made the decision to knock this set up back down to low light again as I don't really have time for the maintenance at the moment, so I'm selling the HC (see plant classifieds).
I understand. It isn't easy to keep up with the maintenance of a high-tech system. A big reason why I choose not to have CO2 more often than not. Geez, my plants grow fast enough as it is, why add CO2 to the mix? Besides, the SW will give me plenty to do. I love that I don't have to worry about my Planted tank.

Look forward to the changes in the scape.

Excuse my reflection, the image was taken today after I stripped the HC and the additional lighting unit.
i like this scape alot, i think it actually looks better under low light. maintenance sucks.

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