70L Low-Tech Set Up

That tank is looking ace!

Makes me wish I had maybe gone for a bigger planted tank rather than a nano :) lovely little fish!

Hmmm well, I could add just one more tank..... ;P
Thats a shame, that you had to take him back.

I missed your other post's for some reason SBS, there would be other options which would suite this scape as well. You could have opted for Wendtii Tropica or just the Wendtii green, this would have given more of a jungle feel. I'm sure it looks great though!
Thanks all, going for more Crypts is tempting, especially C.wendtii tropica, there is some C.wendtii green but it has developed a brown hue.

Here's an FTS

And the female, with part of the afore mentioned turd, still in situ':
Yeah, a Canon EOS 400D, just to ease me into DSLR's, I got it super cheap too which is always good :D.
I managed to get an okay picture tonight, still getting to grips with the camera playing about with it etc:
I changed the moon shine mix again this morning, I've been experimenting and trying to see if I can make a long-range mix but it just isn't working, either the life span of the yeast is too short or the alcohol concentrations in the solution are reaching a critical point whereby it becomes too toxic and kills the yeast, and what a difference surface agitation makes, I adjusted it only slightly and I found myself increasing the quantity of CO2 being put into the tank quite considerably!

The HC carpet is getting there, only a few gaps now, and the Blue Green Algae has come back, so I cleaned the filter out to try and get more circulation out of it and moved the powerhead down to the substrate, and I'm also spot dosing Glutaraldehyde and dosing a third more Potassium Nitrate than I normally do.
I had another mess with the Camera tonight after being fed up of getting 'smudged' (Techie term) photo's, so I set the shutter speed to the lowest it would go and used the flash, the fish probably weren't grateful however!
Here's the Ram:

And here's one of the Ember Tetra's:

I was really chuffed with the Ember Tetra image, first time I've managed to get one in focus!
Nice pics, love this scape, your fern really took off since the first pic.
I did a water change last night, I got home from college at about 12 and found the Ram gasping for air as if it was going out of fashion, I checked the thermometer and the tank was at 21[sup]o[/sup]C :crazy: I checked the power point and sure enough I'd forgotten to plug the heater back in, the temperature is slowly coming back up, currently at 24[sup]o[/sup]C so it should be at 28[sup]o[/sup]C soon enough...disaster averted! On Monday when we had the heat wave the tank was up to 34[sup]o[/sup]C, a little worrying for the Tetra's but no sweat for the Ram, I'll get another FTS up tonight, the BGA is slowly receding and HC is growing quite well.
I looked into the tank this evening and found what looked like hair algae, turns out it's just Hydra: (the in focus bit, I blurred the rest out to make it more prominent:

And 2 in focus Ember Tetra's:

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