70L Low-Tech Set Up

Awesome, pic 5 has a beautiful looking foreground plant there, what is that?

Pic's of your new additions? :)
I believe that is Stauryogene, I can't quite remember and it's difficult to tell from the image, but with lots of light it grows outwards rather than upwards, I'll take photos of my tank once I get my camera back, I would have taken it with me today but my dad let me down and didn't give it me back in time :/ so I have to wait till Thursday before I get it back.
Ahhhhhhh anti climax on that lol, saw you had posted and was expecting pics lol, ah well. Yeah does look like Staurogyne actually.
Glad you had a good un at TGM. I also just got some more stuff through the door from Jim. Anyways, wheres the pics SBS?
I had a go at making my own Drop Checker solution last night, using Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, Distilled water and Bromophenol Blue, it went well, I might have to start selling it, pictures will be up sometime tomorrow, still waiting to get my camera back :/

Just about to nip to MA at Trowell to see what they've got in, I ordered a new pair of tweezers last night to as my others fell apart :crazy: , I ordered the cheapo Fluval curve-tipped ones this time to see if they're any good.
I'm a fan of pictures 3 and 5. The smaller scapes call to me more, but all of them are nice.

You stocked with ember tetras? If I'm remembering the scientific name correctly. Very nice selection.

Yes they're Ember Tetra's, I added another 6 yesterday bringing the number up to 12.

As promised, some images, a combination of Camera and phones images, excuse the poor FTS, that will be corrected tonight when it is a dark and I can get good lighting for the photo, also it's wonky, I wasn't concentrating:


The E.acicularis is beautiful, I don't know why I haven't used it before, an amazing plant:

Here's a birds-eye view to give you an idea of plant mass:

As for the Fluval tweezers, not the best in the world but not bad for £6, I adjusted them slightly as the tips didn't meet but nothing a quick clamp in a vice didn't fix, they need a good strong grip but are of a good length, I'd recommend them, beats paying £30 for an ADA pair, but then again, you do pay for the quality with ADA.
What is the floating plant, a salvinia?

Yes, embers are an elegant fish. Underused in major scapes, IMO. People, too often, go for flash. I'm one of the few people who does not like the cardinal and neons in planted scapes. Too distracting. Don't get me wrong, they are a pretty fish, but too much for me to look at.

My apologies to all the cardinal and neon keepers here. I know there are a lot of you. :look:

Yes that's Silvinia natans, just found a snail in my DC, I don't think it's alive any more (I think I should change the solution now too) :crazy: I've moved it towards that back too to see what the CO[sub]2[/sub] distribution is like.

I may just keep Ember Tetra's in this scape, I like the idea of less is more with fish in planted set ups, but a pair of Rams is soooo tempting!
CO[sub]2[/sub] has been on for about 4 hours, lights on about 2 hours, and the HC is pearling :D
Yes that's Silvinia natans, just found a snail in my DC, I don't think it's alive any more (I think I should change the solution now too) :crazy: I've moved it towards that back too to see what the CO[sub]2[/sub] distribution is like.

I may just keep Ember Tetra's in this scape, I like the idea of less is more with fish in planted set ups, but a pair of Rams is soooo tempting!

I have S. minima in my tank. Came in some of the plants I purchased at the AGA convention. It's a local species in South Florida.

I really like the idea. I had wanted to do this with my ADA scape, but my fish-keeper hat came on and I couldn't part with fish I'd had for some time, so it's a mishmash, which I don't like.

As promised an improved image, the stems appear to have grown about 3 inches somewhat in a 12 hour period since the last set were taken:

I also had a go at a few macro images:
This one isn't very sharp:

This one I like:

Just ordered an additional lighting unit too.
I've been trying to get an FTS with the Ember Tetra's in, and tonight I finally got one!


HC is sending our runners so it's all good!
looking good mate, what lighting are you using on that? It looks like an 11w arcpod?

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