70L Low-Tech Set Up

It's pretty simple, I found a leak in it last night, so it's not been siliconed up and I'm waiting for it to cure.
I had a mess about with my Camera tonight, so a sort of mid-week update:
I've not bothered cropping this like I normally would:

Hyphessobrycon amandae, I believe this is a male:

And the following two to be eggy females:


I did a cold water change last night and they began to exhibit spawning behaviour, I'm not sure what happened next as I went to bed, and I don't really know how this species spawns, I will have to read up on it.

Likng this fella, can't wait too see it if you add HC.
Thank you both, I may add HC, I'm a little unsure, might use Glosso instead as I feel it'd fit better with the scape, when I upgrade the lighting, which should be this weekend, I'll probably suspend it from the wall as it's more convenient, I think I'll go for a 24W T5, then if I do have any issues I can just raise the height of the lighting to suit my needs, I'm also tempted to add some H.polysperma to the rear right hand corner to conceal the filter intake, diffuser (even though it looks cool) and the heater, I could bung the heater on the other side but I'd have wires trailing everywhere.

I've planned a trip to the Green Machine this week so hopefully I'll be coming back with some nice things!

On the shopping list:
Valliseneria nana
Hygrophila polysperma
Bacopa carolina
Pogostemon helferi
A new pair of long curved scissors
More Ember Tetra's
More shrimp
Possibly a pair of M.ramirezi or a small shoal of Corydoras habrosus, pygmaeus or hastatus
And a lighting unit

I'm off loading an unused tank this week so some funds should be freed up.
I'll be going tomorrow, catching the train to Wrexham tomorrow morning at 11, can't wait!

Also Crypt melt is setting in, so hacked a load of leaves off today, and my Anubias doesn't look too happy, I have no idea why though, measured my NO3[sup]-[/sup] and it's at about 40PPM and PO4[sup]3-[/sup] at about 3PPM, so other than that I can conclude that it's probably a K, Ca, Fe or Mg deficiency, so doubled my trace dosing.

Also, the Microsorum is annoying me, sections of it have begun to reproduce so obviously the parent leaves are dying and looking a bit unsightly :angry:
Surely you've been and are home now, so i'm assuming you are currently adding your new aquisitions to your tank. Eagerly anticipating an update - with photo's! Ha.
Just caught the train, and this one has Wifi so I can come on here :)

Should be home in about 2-3 hours, I've bought some plants, I refrained from buying fish/shrimp etc as I had no means of insulating the boxes on the way home.

Plants I bought:
Hygrophila polysperma
Pogostemon helferi
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Eleocharis acicularis
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Silvinia natans

The tanks there are stunning, well worth the visit, also the staff were very friendly and made me a cup of tea whilst I was there :good:
So I'm sat here on the train getting funny looks for having a large inflated bag full of plants :blush:

I'll be nipping to work tomorrow morning to pick up some more Hyphessobrycon amandae and Corydoras habrosus, I might go for some Cherry shrimp, but generally they're quite expensive, even with staff discount, so I might see if someone is selling some on here.
Pics pics pics pics pics pics please :) I could have given you a load of Hygrophila, just threw a huge bucket load out. Nice to see someone using Stargrass too, rarely used, in fact dont think I've seen it since I've been a member here.
I apologise in advance for the terrible picture quality, I only had my camera phone with me:

The Altum's were beautiful, I definitely want to keep some when I'm older:


This one is a full ADA set up, including Micropoecilia, a beautiful dwarf livebearer:



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