70L Low-Tech Set Up

Get pictures up of the rest and I'll sex them. I love these fish, beautiful.
Here's the 3, two Males and a Female by the looks of things, maybe I should replace one of the males with a female?
Yep, you've got two males and 1 female. Now I had two males, but I had four females, so I had a good ratio and while they squabbled, it wasn't much more than posturing and a lovely color display. Gosh they are pretty.
Saw some pandas in my LFS recently, think im gonna get some after seeing your pics too. How are yours getting on?

The gouramis loom great!
The Corydoras are getting on fine, growing really fast, showing signs of spawning, though I'm yet to see any eggs, hopefully in the future!
Kinda difficult in a planted tank, most of the time its on the glass in awkward places
True, I think these are still too small though, there is one large one that constantly harasses some of the little ones though, as wrong as it sounds :lol:.
What a difference! Looking great, now time to start the box? :good:
I need to get some timber before that will happen, it'll probably be done sometime this week.
Thanks all, this male has just shown everyone who is boss, and he really coloured up!
Looking brilliant mate. Glad you got over to Wharf. Did you see the Flame Apisto's? Now they're stunning!!!

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