7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

yeah i knew before i got them they were picky etc but the two males are doing brilliantly so i dont understand why the female isnt. Does anyone know anything about magdalenae rays, dont know if thats how its spelt?
Im away from home today at a boxing match but will check the female when im back. Taking advantage of an unsecure wireless network! Ha
Oh, would anyone be interested in some silver dats 2-4 inch, a silver dat at 10 inch, a microlepis at 12 inch? Let me know, been offered a pulcher cheap because it has a cloudy eye, he said it is clearing up though. Will have to travel 2.5 hours to get it so might pick up some other dats, but if anyone wants any i might aswel pick some more up.


are they from andy ?

pics of the pucher before you buy would be nice
nope he is called sean, he's in burton upon humber? near hull. my brother lives in york so might go stay there one weekend and then get a train to this guy and pick them up, i really only want the 3 big ones but if i get the 10 smaller ones aswel i can get the lot cheaper so it would make more sense, i just don't know anyone who's after any dat quad's. would be about £20 each he says the 10 are between 2.5 and 4". i have emailed him for a picture last night so will see if he emails me back today.
still waiting for someone to take this arowana away!

oh i think i did something bad, my cutteri cichlids layed another 100+ eggs on thurseday, but they are back in the tank with the rotkeils and baby bichirs, so i took the wood out which they layed the eggs on and put it into my fry tank, which contains the 14 or so baby cutteri cichlids from the last batch, which are now about 1cm, yesterday the eggs was due to hatch, which they did, and when i came back they was all dead on the floor with the bigger babies ripping them up! didn't think they would kill them! will know for next time, i think there is still a few eggs still waiting to hatch so i put the wood in a net to protect any that may hatch. most of them were brake though as i watched the biger ones attacking the eggs! vicious little buggers!
never mind next time i will know!

oh T1, this new female ray still isn't eating, and i forgot to say that at first i thought i saw the front of the disc curling up but couldn't see it properly, but i know now it definitely is, this meens its going to die right?
im going to ring steve at essex aquatics today about it, express my displeasure, if he doesn't decide to do something about it i'll use a few choice words. he knew he sent me a naff one last time and i expressed how important it was he sent me a good one and he still sent me this crap, it has like little bunch's of black spots/lumps all over it, its skinny, not eating and its disc is curling up, can't see it lasting even as long as the last one! and ideas on what i should say to him? definitely never going to buy anything else off him!
nope he is called sean, he's in burton upon humber? near hull. my brother lives in york so might go stay there one weekend and then get a train to this guy and pick them up, i really only want the 3 big ones but if i get the 10 smaller ones aswel i can get the lot cheaper so it would make more sense, i just don't know anyone who's after any dat quad's. would be about £20 each he says the 10 are between 2.5 and 4". i have emailed him for a picture last night so will see if he emails me back today.
still waiting for someone to take this arowana away!

oh i think i did something bad, my cutteri cichlids layed another 100+ eggs on thurseday, but they are back in the tank with the rotkeils and baby bichirs, so i took the wood out which they layed the eggs on and put it into my fry tank, which contains the 14 or so baby cutteri cichlids from the last batch, which are now about 1cm, yesterday the eggs was due to hatch, which they did, and when i came back they was all dead on the floor with the bigger babies ripping them up! didn't think they would kill them! will know for next time, i think there is still a few eggs still waiting to hatch so i put the wood in a net to protect any that may hatch. most of them were brake though as i watched the biger ones attacking the eggs! vicious little buggers!
never mind next time i will know!

oh T1, this new female ray still isn't eating, and i forgot to say that at first i thought i saw the front of the disc curling up but couldn't see it properly, but i know now it definitely is, this meens its going to die right?
im going to ring steve at essex aquatics today about it, express my displeasure, if he doesn't decide to do something about it i'll use a few choice words. he knew he sent me a naff one last time and i expressed how important it was he sent me a good one and he still sent me this crap, it has like little bunch's of black spots/lumps all over it, its skinny, not eating and its disc is curling up, can't see it lasting even as long as the last one! and ideas on what i should say to him? definitely never going to buy anything else off him!

tell him he's a #30###
i rang him about half an hour ago, i got the feeling he didn't believe me it was in a state, he said it was perfect when it left there, otherwise he wouldn't have sent it. i said i will take a picture of it later so he can see for himself, i doubt he'll do anything, i want to prove to him i'm not lying, and that he did send me a half dead stingray. he said he doesn't understand how it has deteriorated in the time i've had it, well the answer is it hasn't, it was knackered before he sent it, im not expert but i know the curling up of the disc doesn't happen over night, and the indentation in the head happens only after some time of not eating. he said if i lived near he would say bring it back and look at th ones there as they are perfect, good for him i don't live close because i'd do more than take the thing back.
i got some prices for some rays from north lakes aquatics, 4" reticulatus (like i payed £35 each for) are £65, and the magdalene rays which (if what i've read is correct) is a variant or p.reticulatus, and they are £120 each but are about 10", but i don't know much about them.
will wait and see, don't know what to do, but i get a feeling im going to have to sit and watch another ray die, slowly
i rang him about half an hour ago, i got the feeling he didn't believe me it was in a state, he said it was perfect when it left there, otherwise he wouldn't have sent it. i said i will take a picture of it later so he can see for himself, i doubt he'll do anything, i want to prove to him i'm not lying, and that he did send me a half dead stingray. he said he doesn't understand how it has deteriorated in the time i've had it, well the answer is it hasn't, it was knackered before he sent it, im not expert but i know the curling up of the disc doesn't happen over night, and the indentation in the head happens only after some time of not eating. he said if i lived near he would say bring it back and look at th ones there as they are perfect, good for him i don't live close because i'd do more than take the thing back.
i got some prices for some rays from north lakes aquatics, 4" reticulatus (like i payed £35 each for) are £65, and the magdalene rays which (if what i've read is correct) is a variant or p.reticulatus, and they are £120 each but are about 10", but i don't know much about them.
will wait and see, don't know what to do, but i get a feeling im going to have to sit and watch another ray die, slowly

That's awful, why do people sell fish that are in a bad state. They are supposed to care for fish, and yet put them through the ordeal of travelling when they aren't 100% in the first place.
You seem to be having very bad luck with your female rays, I hope you can find a healthy one soon. It would be great if this one pulled through of course, but it sounds like it's very sick, poor thing :(
tell me about it, on the phone he was convinced that it was "perfect" when he packed it up, but it doesn't take a scientist to know that even if it wasn't eating it wouldn't have got the curl in the disc and the indentation in the head in the matter of hours it took to get here from essex, remembering it was same day delivery.
it is still early days and it may well start eating, which is what im hoping, but it is in worse state than the other one was that died!
well i know i got them cheap but its my second so thats £70 so i may aswel go and buy a female from north lakes aquatics for £65, at least i could watch the fish in the shop before i decide to buy it
female rays of any breed take longer to settle in than males

the lifting up of the front part of the disk is not death curl it is normally down to a change in PH
ah ok, he told me on the phone he kept them in a ph of 7.4, which makes sense as thats what it is down south, my tank is at ph 7.0, but i did take my time mixing the water, and he said it had been eating loads but it has the indentation in the head which would indicate it hasn't been eating right?
it doesn't even seem interested in food, i put in bloodworm, prawns, lance fish, krill and cockles (not just for the rays!) and it doesn't even acknowledge it, the other two shoot around as soon as the stuff touches the water!
like i said it is early days and it may well start eating, another thing thats annoying me is that it has groups of tiny black spots over its body, like tiny lumps, any ideas what it may be?
what would be your advise to encourage it to eat?
the main thing that makes rays eat is high temp 86-88

like i said ALL female rays are a lot harder to get settled
ok well my temp is always 28 celcius, (82 F) so just turned it up a bit and will keep knocking it up until it gets to about 86-88 F.
will see how it goes, it doesn't move much, just sits in one spot, when it first went in it spend half a day swimming at the surface, the arowana kept weighing it up, didn't expect it to be in one piece in the morning, but settled and it is just stationary now 99% of the time.
in one spot with the front lip up and breathing hard is a PH shock

when the guy sent them to you he was meant to have staved them for 2 days

i stave any ray i ship for 2 days before shipping or they mess up the water in the bag fast making the water PH in the bag/box crash the guy may have told you he was keeping the ray in PH 7 but if the ray messed up the water it could have dropped as low as 4
ah i get that, well do you think with these symptoms, that it will just go downhill and die like the last or is normally something that can be resolved?
it just sits there motionless, no interest in anything.
i have known rays to do this after a move like richard says its adjustment to ph etc.
its always gone by the morning when ive seen it,how long has it been doing it?
well its been like this since it got delivered on friday afternoon. it has settled down a bit from friday, like i said when it first went in it was swimming at the surface for a long time, until i went to bed ad midnight at least! its not moved for hours, just sat there not interested in anything, food, other fish, the other rays nothing.
well got some more pictures but not too many as the battery went on the camera, i borrowed it of the girlfriend so i don't have the charger, not a lucky day!!
got some pictures of this female reticulatus i got sent so you can see what a mess it is!



and one i got of the bigger male, just to show how it should look like, im very happy with this one, has nice colouring, its like a slate blue/grey between the patterning, my favorite one, and the fattest!

this is just a quick picture of the cryptoheros cutteri fry now, they won't stop moving so its quite a bad picture but all i could get!

and just a few i could get of the rotkeil severums, the smallest is about 1.5" but about 8 of the 10 are above 2.5" and about 6 of them around 3" and they are all putting some size on quickly now so shouldn't be long before they are big enough to tough it out in the big tank! they have really red anal fins now and a metallic blue to their dorsal, only 2 of the bigger ones are showing red around the neck but i don't think you can see from the pictures.
excuse the dirty tank and its worse because of the bibbles from the filter but here goes!!



i tried to get some of the 2 small tiger fish but they wasn't playing! another time maybe!


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